Arduino MEGA


Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories spotted one of the first images of the Arduino MEGA. The board is based on the ATmega1280 microcontroller, which has 128KB of flash,4KB of RAM, and 4KB of EEPROM. We haven’t seen any official specs yet, but the silkscreen shows 12 PWM connections, 36 Digital I/O, and 16 analog inputs. The post mentions 4 hardware UARTs and an I2C bus as well. No release date yet, but we can assume it’s soon since the hardware was already demoed at ETech.

Related: We added an Arduino category.

53 thoughts on “Arduino MEGA

  1. Is there anyone that can write code for the Arduino Mega if all the requirements are specified? I am new to this and what I want to do is way beyond my current capabilities; ie – I can make an LED blink, but that’s about it.

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