OpenSCAD Is For Use With 2D Machine, Not Just 3D Printing


Here’s an enclosure which was designed with OpenSCAD and cut out on a CNC router. [Matthew Venn] wrote about the project because he sees tons of 3D printing hacks that use the software, but almost never hears about it as a tool for laser cutting or CNC router/mill work. When we read that we thought we must have seen a lot of 2D hacks but a search of Hackaday’s previous offerings proved us wrong. Just this week we heard about the software in use with the Makerbot. Or you could go back about a year and read about creating 3D molds. But nothing on 2D work.

His post is a quick read and shows off the bare bones of the case designs he’s been working with for a few years. By referencing the code itself, and playing with how it changes the render in OpenSCAD he makes a strong case for quick and easy enclosure design. If you use this technique make sure to document your experience because we want to hear about it!

9 thoughts on “OpenSCAD Is For Use With 2D Machine, Not Just 3D Printing

  1. I’m doing the same thing, actually. I’m designing a storage box in 3D space to be laid out in 2D and laser cut out of hardwood ply. This same article was mentioned to me earlier in the week and I found it super helpful. His example code is great.

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