PSP Laptop

30j0m1l (Custom)

[Folklord36] on the forums has been working on a PSP laptop that we think gives the PSP GO a run for it’s money. Sure it may be a bit bulkier but it has a full keyboard, thanks to an Xbox chat pad. The original psp is on the bottom. The screen and speakers have been moved to the top. He says there are still a lot of things that need to be finished, but this is pretty impressive already.

[thanks Robin]

30 thoughts on “PSP Laptop

  1. Well its an interesting build. Although with Ben Heck around, the whole “console laptop” theme has been run into the ground. It ceased to be cool a long time ago and is just rather annoying now.

  2. @Josh – quit being so negative… where is your console case mod?

    Also sometimes things get posted that aren’t quite done, these things that are usually left to be done later, are aesthetics, so quit complaining about how it looks people.

    -I do recommend reinforcing and supporting/hiding the ffc cable, it will break easily if left in that position and it receives use.

    The next thing people are gonna say is “oh, another x360 chatpad hack… im so sick of those”

    Negative Nancy’s just running amok

  3. What is the advantage of this? Seems like a lot of people want to also do this to their PSPs, but why would you want to? Sorry I just don’t see the point.. “Because I can” is a completely valid reason, just wondering if there’s something more to gain by doing this to a PSP.

  4. You don’t see the point? Come on, because its cool, because you’ll have the only one of its kind, because it will get you laid (ok, its cool and one of a kind.) Why did cavemen paint on walls or geeks paint laptops, creativity!

  5. My console mods are usually too ugly to show off online, they are more for function instead of form. Such as my booting an xbox from cf card, etc. Im not being negative, its just that the whole folding thing is kinda overdone. Btw, good job on the whole build, it hasnt been done before and IS pretty ingenious.

  6. That PSP looks more like a Waffle maker, to be honest – but I congratulate him on the effort. He now has a super cool and unique testament to his geekiness. ;)

    I’ll stick with waiting for the Pandora.

  7. kudos to this guy. i tried making something similar but my soldering skills are horrible. i was going to move the X [] () ^ and d-pad buttons and put it all in a bigger case but this mod is pretty sweet, too. if i knew how he did it i’d love to extend the X [] () ^ and d-pad buttons put the screen in my dashboard of my car and hook up the gps/camera on a swich so i could have a rear view camera and gps using the same usb port. put the buttons in my center console of my car and be done… i can dream can’t i?

  8. Whilst it might not look that pretty you have to admire the effort that this guy put into this!

    I have a PSP and typing anything in takes ages because there is no touch screen and so you end up selecting each letter with the D-Pad so I can see why they wanted to add a keyboard, its just a shame the chatpad doesn’t come in black.

  9. Hey men give us some help, we all like you idea sharing is caring, I want to know do you have to do something to the keybord so it could work in the psp, and can you do it in the psp 2000, help us out be good and give us the gift of our lives

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