Antique Pocket Watch Project Updates Antique Pocket Watch

Here at Hackaday we have a bit of a preoccupation with timepieces. Maybe it’s the deeply personal connection to an object you wear on your body, or the need for ultimate reliability. Perhaps it’s just a fascination with the notion of time itself. Whatever the case, we don’t seem to be alone as there is a constant stream of time-related projects coming through our virtual doors. For this article we’ve unearthed the LED Pocketwatch 1.0 by [Dr. Pauline Pounds] from way back in 2009 (ironically via a post about a wristwatch from last year!). Fortunately for us the Internet Archive has saved this heirloom nouveau from the internet dustbin so we can appreciate the craftsmanship involved in [Dr. Pounds]’ work.

Check out the wonderful, spiral routing!

My how far we’ve come; a decade after this project was posted a hacker might choose to 3d print a case for a new wearable, but in 2009 that would have been an entire project by itself! [Dr. Pounds] chose to use the casing from an antique Elgin pocket watch. Even through the mists of a grainy demo video we can imagine how soft the well-worn casing must be from heavy use. This particular unit was chosen because it was a hefty 50mm in diameter, leaving plenty of room inside for a 44mm double sided PCBA with 133 0603 LEDs (60 seconds, 60 minutes, 12 hours), a PIC 16F946, an ERM, and a 110mAh LiPo. But what really sets the LED Pocketwatch 1.0 apart is the user interface.

The ERM is attached directly to the rear of the case in order to best conduct vibration to the outside world. For maximum authenticity it blips on the second, to give a sense that the digital watch is mechanically ticking like the original. The original pocket watch was designed with a closing lid which is released when the stem is pressed. [Dr. Pounds] integrated a button and encoder with the end of the stem (on the PCBA) so the device can be aware of this interaction; on lid open it wakes the device to display the time on the LEDs. The real pièce de résistance is that he also integrated a minuscule rotary encoder, so when the stem is pressed you can rotate it to set the time. It’s all quite elegantly integrated and imminently usable.

At this point we’d love to link to sources, detailed drawings, or CAD files, but unfortunately we haven’t found any. If this has you inspired check out some of the other pocket watches we’ve posted about in the past. If you’re interested in a live demo of the LED Pocketwatch 1.0, check out the original video after the break.

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LED Matrix Watch Is The Smart Watch We Didn’t Know We Wanted

[Mile] put together this stunning LED matrix watch, on which the stars of this show are the 256 monochrome 0603 LEDs arranged in a grid on its face. The matrix is only 1.4in in the diagonal and is driven by a combination of an LED driver and some shift registers. The brain is an ATmega328p. We appreciate the extra effort taken to add a USB to UART adapter so the mega can be programmed over USB. It also contains all the necessary circuitry to charge and maintain the lithium battery inside safely.

Input into the device is done with a hall effect sensor which keeps the build from having any moving parts. The body is a combination of 3D printed parts and really fetching brass details connecting to the band.

If it weren’t over the top enough the build even has an ambient light sensor so the display can dim or brighten depending. We bet [Mile] is pretty proud to wear this on their wrist.

Open Source Kitchen Helps You Watch What You Eat

Every appliance business wants to be the one that invents the patented, license-able, and profitable standard that all the other companies have to use. Open Source Kitchen wants to beat them to it. 

Every beginning standard needs a test case, and OSK’s is a simple one. A bowl that tracks what you eat. While a simple concept, the way in which the data is shared, tracked, logged, and communicated is the real goal.

The current demo uses a Nvidia Jetson Nano as its processing center. This $100 US board packs a bit of a punch in its weight class. It processes the video from a camera held above the bowl of fruit, suspended by a scale in a squirrel shaped hangar, determining the calories in and calories out.

It’s an interesting idea. One wonders how the IoT boom might have played out if there had been a widespread standard ready to go before people started walling their gardens.

Watch A 3D Printer Get Designed From The Ground Up

Too often when you see a build video, you only get to see the final product. Even if there’s footage of the build itself, it’s usually only the highlights as a major component is completed. But thankfully that’s not the case with the “V-Baby” CoreXY 3D printer that [Roy Berntsen] has been working on.

Watching through his playlist of videos, you’re able to see him tackle his various design goals. For example he’d like the final design to be both machinable and printable, which is possible, but it certainly adds complexity and time. He also transitions from a triangular base to a rectangular one at some point. These decisions, and the reasons behind them, are all documented and discussed.

Towards the end of the series we can see the final testing and torturing process as he ramps up to a final design release. This should definitely demystify the process for anyone attempting their first 3D printer design from scratch.

A New Method For Growing Watch Springs

Scientists at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) recently developed a new technique for growing watch springs to tiny specifications. As it turns out, the creation of watch springs is ripe with opportunity for new materials research.

The technique involves using photo-etching and electrochemical deposition into cold, aqueous solutions. Compared to drawing and winding Nivarox wires, this is a fairly unconventional method for manufacturing. For as long as watchmaking has been around, creating the balance springs has been one of the most difficult parts of the job. The wires must be drawn to a thickness in the hundredths of millimeters and wound and tempered to the exact hardness, ductility, and elasticity while compensating for environmental factors. Many substances change their properties during fabrication, so the Empa team decided to look to pure materials research as a way to find a means for fabricating balance springs that would remain stable.

They took silicon wafers (the same kind used for solar panels and computer chips), covered them in gold and a thin layer of light sensitive paint, and etched the shape of a spring into the wafer. The wafer was then dipped into a galvanic bath containing a salt solution from a metallic alloy — the spring acts as a cathode so that when an electric current passes through the bath, metal is deposited at the base of the spring. Once the spring is built up, it is dissolved from the mold and examined. After a bit of smoothing, the final spring is washed and sent to a lab for prototype production.

The electroplated springs are currently on display at the Laboratory for Mechanics of Materials and Nanostructures at the Empa campus in Thun, Switzerland. In the meantime, the first pilot tests are being wrapped up, and the team is beginning to work with Swiss watchmakers to see if their springs can hold up inside watch mechanisms.

[Thanks to Qes for the tip!]

This Week In Security: The Robots Are Watching, Insecure VPNs, Graboids, And Biometric Fails

A Japanese hotel chain uses robots for nearly everything. Check in, room access, and most importantly, bedside service. What could possibly go wrong with putting embedded Android devices, complete with mics and cameras, right in every hotel room? While I could imagine bedside robots ending badly in many ways, today we’re looking at the possibility that a previous guest installed an app that can spy on the room. The kiosk mode used on these devices left much to be desired. Each bot has an NFC reader, and all it takes is an URL read by that reader to break out of the kiosk jail. From there, a user has full access to the Android system underneath, and can install whatever software they wish.

[Lance Vick] discovered this potential problem way back in July, and after 90 days of inaction has released the vulnerability. More of these hotels are being rolled out for the 2020 Olympics, and this sort of vulnerability is sure to be present in other similar kiosk devices.

VPN Compromise

In March 2018, a server in a Finnish data center was compromised through a remote management system. This was probably a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC), which is as dangerous as it is useful. Most BMCs have their own Ethernet adapter, not controlled by the host computer, and allows a remote user to access the machine just as if they had a monitor and keyboard connected to it. This particularly server was one rented by NordVPN, who was apparently not notified of the data center breach.

So what was captured from this server? Apparently the OpenVPN credentials stored on that server, as well as a valid TLS key. (Document mirror via TechCrunch) It’s been noted that this key is now expired, which does mean that it’s not being actively exploited. There were, however, about 7 months between the server break-in and the certificate expiration, during which time it could have been used for man-in-the-middle attacks.

NordVPN has confirmed the breach, and tried to downplay the potential impact. This report doesn’t seem to entirely match the leaked credentials. An attacker with this data and root access to the server would have likely been able to decrypt VPN traffic on the fly.


Named in honor of a certain sci-fi worm, Graboid is an unusual piece of malware aimed at Docker instances. It is a true worm, in that compromised hosts are used to launch attacks against other vulnerable machines. Graboid isn’t targeting a Docker vulnerability, but simply looking for an unsecured Docker daemon exposed to the internet. The malware downloads malicious docker images, one of which is used for crypto-currency mining, while another attempts to compromise other servers.

Graboid has an unusual quirk — the quirk that earned it the name: It doesn’t constantly mine or attempt to spread, but waits over a minute between bursts of activity. This was likely an attempt to mask the presence of mining malware. It’s notable that until discovered, the malicious Docker images were hosted on the Docker Hub. Be careful what images you trust, and look for the “Docker Official Image” tag.

Iran and Misdirection

Remember a couple weeks ago, when we discussed the difficulty of attack attribution? It seems a healthy dose of such paranoia might be warranted. The American NSA and British NCSC revealed that they now suspect Russian actors compromised Iranian infrastructure and deployed malware developed by Iranian coders. The purpose of this seems to have been redirection — to compromise targets and put the blame on Iran. To date it’s not certain that this particular gambit fooled any onlookers, but this is likely not the only such effort.

Android Biometrics

New Android handsets have had a rough week. First, the Samsung Galaxy S10 had an issue with screen protectors interfering with the under-the-screen fingerprint reader. This particular problem seems to only affect fingerprints that are enrolled after a screen protector has been applied. With the protector still in place, anyone’s fingerprint is able to unlock the device. What’s happening here seems obvious. The ultrasonic fingerprint scanner isn’t able to penetrate the screen protector, so it’s recording an essentially blank fingerprint. A patch to recognize these blank prints has been rolled out to devices in Samsung’s home country of South Korea, with the rest of the world soon to follow.

The second new handset is the Google Pixel 4, which includes a new Face Unlock feature. While many have praised the feature, there is trouble in paradise. The Pixel’s Face Unlock works even when the user is asleep or otherwise unmoving. To their credit, Apple’s Face ID also checks for user alertness, trying to avoid unlocking unless the user is intentionally doing so.

The humorous scenario is a child or spouse unlocking your phone while you’re asleep, but a more sobering possibility is your face being used against you unwillingly, or even while unconscious or dead. Based on leaks, it’s likely that there was an “eyes open” mode planned but cut before launch. Hopefully the bugs can be worked out of that feature, and it can be re-added in a future update. Until then, it’s probably best not to use Google’s Face Unlock on Pixel 4 devices.

Hackaday Podcast 039: Elliot <3 Lightning Detectors, Ikea Dark Mode, The Smartest Watch, Solar Sailing The Sky, And VAWT Controversy

Hackaday Editors Elliot Williams and Mike Szczys recap a week full of hacks from the solar sailing RC plane that has zero power storage, to geeking out about lightning detectors and hacking Ikea LED controllers to unlock real dimming to building backyard wind turbines. We look up an IoT egg tray with appreciation not for the concept but certainly for the engineering, and scratch our heads on why one-hacker-smartwatch-to-rule-them-all seems like something that should happen but so far has only been a fleeting concept.

Take a look at the links below if you want to follow along, and as always tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!

Take a look at the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!

Direct download (60 MB or so.)

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