LED Pimp Bed

pimp bed

[Mojo Jojo] mentioned this link in yesterday’s comments. It’s really simple and the author has expanded the description since it was featured on Slashdot. The hack describes how to wire sets of red, green, and blue LEDs with the goal of producing all possible colors. Definitely a cool effect with minimal effort, a good starter project. Not sure if kits are still being sold, but they should save you some money on parts. Can someone come up with an adaptive color controller for this?

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Thursday Nano Hacks: Hiatus


Well, easyJet managed to lose Fabienne’s luggage, which had the Nano hack for the week. Clearly, this is the work of AOL. Here are some new links from readers. More links coming up later tonight.

[quachified]’s brother keeps his Nano in an Orbit gum sleeve.

[Antonomie]’s metallic case and his previous trident case

[Ian Nott]’s iPod fuzzy for the Nashville winters

Continue reading “Thursday Nano Hacks: Hiatus”