We’re headed to Cleveland at the end of the week (we’ve heard rumors it rocks) and thought it would be good to list the events we’re planning on hitting in the next five months.
- Notacon / Blockparty April 4-6 Cleveland, OH – This will be a first for us, but we’re definitely excited, especially for the demoscene madness at Blockparty (like Trixter’s MONOTONE PC speaker tracker).
- ToorCon Seattle April 18-20 Seattle, WA – In its second year, this small gathering is sure to be a blast just like last year.
- The Last HOPE July 18-20 New York, NY – Our first HOPE and the last one ever.. since the hotel is being torn down.
- Black Hat US August 2-7 Las Vegas, NV – If anything gets released this year, it’ll be here.
- DefCon August 8-10 Las Vegas, NV – The first con we ever went to. It’s not the best con, but it’s always interesting.
- SIGGRAPH August 11-15 Los Angeles, CA – SIGGRAPH is where you need to be if you want to see cutting edge graphics and interaction projects. It’s a favorite of ours and a nice break from computer security.
Anything we’re missing?
UPDATE: Maker Faire May 3-4 San Mateo, CA – Can’t believe we forgot it. Thanks [pt]!
I don’t understand- the second HOPE was not held at the Pennsylvania Hotel so why do future ones have to be held there? I suspect that there will be another HOPE conference at some point in a new location. If they have a sense of humor it will be called “A New Hope.”
Never hurts to pay homage to Star Wars after all.
Toorcon sounds like fun…too bad I’ll be out of town for the Olympus Rally that weekend.
Hoping to hit up defcon again this year with some friends.
whats a good con for a noob in the north east us? hope is in for me but are there any others that would be good?
maker faire…
yeah just about to mention maker faire, as pt did.
may 3-4 san mateo, ca
Why not have something in Australia for a change?! It would make a nice vacation for all you American techies. :p
Why the hell isn’t there anything going on in Boston?
are you going to be giving stickers or something away at maker faire?
I’ve started to maintain a google shared calendar for http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=s7j59ntjl7lbae0517luaa6fk0%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles all infosec related events in North America. And my blog post about it is at http://infosecevents.net/2008/03/22/events-calendar/ Hope you find it useful.
we need more security cons on the east cost. im too poor to travel out west.