[kernsy] sent in this nice little PICAXE based hack to provide computer control of a VExpolorer kit robot. The PICAXE takes serial commands and outputs the pulse commands normally generated by the controls directly to the RF chipset in the remote.
6 thoughts on “Vexplorer Computer Control”
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I did something similar to this. I hacked an RC controller transmitter/reciever pair to transmit rs232 signals at low baud rates. Basically just useing the rf chip, cutting it out of the circuit. It was a little noisy though.
I did something somewhat similar to casey’s project. I had an old dos machine with qbasic and chopped up a parallel cable and hooked it into the radio for a cheapy r/c car with some 2n2222 transistors. Then I could write a program to drive the car automatically.
I did something somewhat fairly similar to casey’s project. I had an old paper clip with ridges, and a few rubber bands, and attached them to a straw. I then used this to program my old clock radio to run linux. After modifying the radio drivers to transmit, instead of receive, I had my jeep cherokee picking up milk and eggs for me at the local market in no time.
Yeah!!! I submitted a hack and it got to the front page!!! w00t. I’m so excited!!
some people need hobbies.
Linux on a clock radio?!?!?! cool, can you show us how?