Vocal Mouse Control


Absolutely fascinating. The University of Washington is developing a vocally controled mouse interface. We’ve seen vocal control of the computer before, but it is usally responding to specific commands and words to carry out tasks such as opening files.  This system uses different vowels and sounds to create cursor motion.  You can see the same system used in the video above to control a robot arm as well.

[via BotJunkie]

15 thoughts on “Vocal Mouse Control

  1. haha

    We did the EXACT same thing for a session project at the University of Sherbrooke. Are second semester in electrical engineering. Instead of using software it was all done with hardware (filters and a FPGA). We where using 4 phoenemes to control a home made video game.

  2. You can do similar with voice recognition software. I think it’s Dragon that lets you kick up a grid on-screen. It’s 9×9 and you just narrow down your selection with a few words and then “click.”

  3. Took them long enough to think of this!!!!!!
    Watch the software gona cost a bloody fortune.

    Quick quick Everyone Make a clone of this for every O/S you can think of :)

    Don’t forget Click/drag and R/mouse.

    And since Voice recognition is so slow. how about a phonim keyboard. :)

    (amagens folks running around sounding like old analog computers talking to each other)

  4. What happened to loading up a 3×3 grid on the screen, you say a number 1-9, then a new 3×3 grid appears in the previous square you just chose, you say a number 1-9 to narrow it down… this recurses… until you say “click” and it it clicks in the middle of the “5” square you’ve narrowed down to.

    I know I’ve seen that implemented somewhere.

  5. I bet you have heard of throat singing.How about a work out with that!? In fact a few lessons in modified diaphragmatic breathing could help.And a Russian scientist who created a breathing technique to help asthmatics could be worth an investigation,where there is a possibility of use.And dont forget American Indian languages,which maybe,more breatheee,and allow for instruction anew.It also struck me then,that a lot of sounds humans make are occupational related,like being in a dentist chair,say Ahhh.Translating these basic sounds to categories of words pictures instructions,could end up as shortcuts delivered say in a dental circumstance,for wheel chaired bound as clients or professionals.And adding whistles and bells too.Blah.Blah.Blah.

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