Hacking Teddy Ruxpin

[DJ Sures] got his hands on a broken Teddy Ruxpin doll and decided to give it a new robotic life. You may want to ask the children to leave the room before viewing the video after the break. It starts right off with little Teddy having his throat slashed in order to get at the parts in the head. After retrofitting the eyes, mouth, neck, and arms with servos, Teddy gets a Bluetooth upgrade that lets you control his movements wirelessly. [DJ Sures] even has plans to get the little guy up and walking, far exceeding the original capabilities.

17 thoughts on “Hacking Teddy Ruxpin

  1. I also think it would be better if it had an evil voice. It looks so cute and innocent, that it would be awesome to scare kids with it. Now Ill have to try that with my daughters talking Dora the Explorer doll.

  2. gotta love those 80’s/90’s electronics/circuit boards. you didn’t need a fancy soldering iron to hack them. they are so spaced out and more easily examinable.
    that one looked softer and smaller too i think, than the kind i remember, like @Paul Potter mentioned. we used to pop random tapes in there because there’s just something funny about seeing an animatronic bear singing bad things.

  3. There were two teddy ruxpin bears as i recall. That was the first generation with the 8 track casette. The second generation used a regular casette tape. They both took 4 AA batteries. Both were made by Playskool.

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