The firmware link for the Linksys PAP2 unlocking was dead when the link went up yesterday. [ian] found another site with the instructions and firmware. It mentions that Staples has the PAP2 for $50 and a $50 rebate that doesn’t require a Vonage subscription. They’re are out of stock online; tomorrow is the last day you can buy one in-store and get the rebate.
Leah Buechley has added the code to her wearable LED display. [fdisk]
The annual Ig Nobel awards were last night. A personal favorite of mine, the Ig Nobels award prizes for questionable research. For example: “The Ig Nobel Prize in Medicine went to Gregg Miller, inventor of Neuticles, artificial testicle replacements for neutered dogs and other animals, which come in different sizes and levels of firmness.” Wired has the full story.
$179 is a ridiculous price for this IR controlled pan/tilt head. I’m sure one of you could put this together easily.
[camzmac] decided to add USB support to his XBox controller. Sure, it’s been done before, but we love our readers.
[CWAL] built this XMLHttpRequest chat a while ago. I like the clean interface.
Do you want your mouse to rumble every time you click a button? [leadingzero and mzungu]
Really simple speakers from a hard drive Even simpler than those other ones. [Zen]
You could be using those hard drives to sharpen scalpels. [CapnSnazzy]
Mobile drive-in theater I think I saw a story last year about these “guerrilla drive-ins” irking the MPAA since they weren’t properly licensed for public performance. [hierono]
Pixel2Life software tutorial search [via]
I usually don’t check, but I’ve had a LiveMarks window open all day. It shows the popular links as they come in. [via Waxy]
The tip line
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