[Daniel Garcia] sent us a quick tutorial he put together demonstrating how to use an ATmega168 to perform analog to digital conversions. This timely tutorial would make for a nice complimentary project for those of you who decided to build your own digital to analog converter after reading our post from a few days ago.
The ATmega168 has six pins that are typically used for digital I/O, but they can be used for analog input as well. In his example, he uses a trimpot as an analog input device, connecting it to one of the aforementioned analog pins. Its value is returned as a 16-bit number which is then displayed on the attached LCD. The LCD display and the breadboard layout used in this project are covered in his previous writeups, so be sure to give those a read through before working through this tutorial.
Boring! Seriously, how’s that a hack?
Hack-a-day or Tutorial-A-Day?
Maybe this tutorial should be posted on another section. I don’t think it’s a hack.
Anyway, the tutorial is good for beginners.
“The ATmega168 has six pins that are typically used for digital I/O, but they can be used for analog input as well.”
Well, true for the DIP package, the rest have 8 analog pins.
Hacking (English verb to hack, singular noun a hack) refers to the re-configuring or re-programming of a system to function in ways not facilitated by the owner, administrator, or designer. The term(s) have several related meanings in the technology and computer science fields, wherein a “hack” may refer to a clever or quick fix to a computer program problem, or to what may be perceived to be a clumsy or inelegant (but usually relatively quick) solution to a problem, such as a “kludge”.
Without a doubt this is an instructive tutorial that will be helpful in a hack. Also I agree that not everything on hackaday is a real hack but I never saw anyone complain when someone did an awesome build (which isn’t a hack either, it’s a build).
I clicked this hoping to see an analog threshold-detecting circuit to convert an analog waveform to a digital signal.
This is far less interesting.
Why are there so many people bitching again about the “not-a-hack”? The site sports great hacks, and compliments that with great articles and tutorials. I love coming here to see what people build of what people share/teach. Are you never interested about on how to get to a hack instead of only seeing a end result with maybe a build log? Well, im glad the site is how it is!
Also wanted to say, I think this is a great topic to post, I have been looking for a nice design write up for building an adc, particularly after reading the write up building a dac.
Keep these coming, basics are essential, if the hacking community is to grow, it has to provide for those whom aren’t just avr programmers and electrical engineers.
@Dekar, et al.
I don’t understand what all the griping is about, none of us readers own any part of this site and most probably have no stake in it (i.e. no projects of their own posted by the editors). Therefore everyone should quit griping. Nowhere does it say what the authors/editors have to post, that is solely at their own discretion. If you must disagree feel free to do so with your eyes and mouse, you aren’t forced to visit the site.
I came expecting a tutorial on how to make an ADC, but this is simply using the onboard ADC on the ATMega168.
Wow what great documentation. Handy reference material.
The rest of you Stop whining.
Because reading the datasheet is too hard?
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