Wireless Bullduino Belt Buckle Sets The Stage For Romance, Schtick


As the Red Bull Creation Contest gets underway, we’re seeing a ton of great entries, including this one put together by [Team Instructables]. While we are pretty partial to our own spectacular Red Bull Cannon, it’s hard to deny that there is some stiff competition out there.

Instructables’ “Romance Pants” are a creation that would undoubtedly fit perfectly as a prop piece for any of the Naked Gun movies. The basic premise behind the pants is that when unzipped, the Bullduino belt buckle wirelessly signals the lights in the room to dim, the music to turn up, and candles to light – setting the mood for romance.

Some might argue that anyone wearing a Red Bull-themed Arduino as a belt buckle would have a snowball’s chance in hell of encountering a potential mate – We can’t really argue with you there. That said, their concept is pretty amusing.

Stick around to see the Romance Pants in action, as well as a behind the scenes look at how they work.

[Thanks, Bill!]

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/45152498 w=470]

19 thoughts on “Wireless Bullduino Belt Buckle Sets The Stage For Romance, Schtick

    1. ha, instead of your fly being a potentiometer, merely have it act as a stepper with each button acting as a button[maybe have conductive thread sewn into the eyehole part all around so it makes a firm connection to the button, which has another contact point on it, thus when the contact is broken, a signal is sent.), and just use the code to smooth out the numbers so it flows smoothly.

  1. What about when you throw your jacket on the table when you don’t come home with a lady, go to the bathroom, sit down to take care of some business, and the flames of passion set your apartment ablaze?

  2. “Some might argue that anyone wearing a Red Bull-themed Arduino as a belt buckle would have a snowball’s chance in hell of encountering a potential mate” — which is why the lights dim. Duh!

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