Hackerspace Tour: Kwartzlab

Located in Kitchener, Ontario, Kwartzlab is a 3000 square foot hackerspace. In 2009, the group was founded and set up their space in a former box factory. We dropped by the space on one of their Tuesday Open Nights to take a tour. Join us after the break for a quick walk through of Kwartzlab.

The space is divided into three main sections: a lounge, a collaborative workspace, and a wood/metal shop.

The workspace has the usual collection of desks, but also is home to their laser cutter, vinyl cutter, electronics bench, and 3D printer. There were a few people hacking software here, and a collection of laser cut things around the room.

In the lounge, there’s a library, TV and couches. This space is also used to display some member’s projects, including a LED analogue clock and a set of free-form soldered figures. To encourage creative work, Kwartzlab runs an artist in residence program that gives artists the opportunity to use the space, while giving workshops to the community.

Kwartzlab’s shop area includes a collection of woodworking and metalworking tools. There’s a welding booth with both Arc and MIG welders.

One custom tool that’s in the works is a CNC router. The based off an old automated tape library, which provides the frame and some mechanical components. There were a few test pieces that had been routed out of MDF.

All in all, the space was a friendly place with lots of interesting projects in the works. If you’re in the Kitchener/Waterloo area, you should check out one of their Tuesday Open Nights to find out more. Thanks to all the members for letting us tour their space.

4 thoughts on “Hackerspace Tour: Kwartzlab

  1. You definitely should come by Diyode Makers’ Club in Guelph if you’re in the area. It’s about 20-30 minutes away from Kwartzlab and we meet on Monday nights every week around 9:00. If you’re interested on coming out and maybe getting a tour, shoot us an email at info(at)diyode.com .

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