LEDmas Tree

led christmas tree

[Nick] is a bit of an LED fanatic. So when his boss asked him to help make an LED Christmas tree for work, he jumped at the opportunity!

It’s a beautiful build, making use of laser(?) cut plexiglass disks, wooden “trunks” made using a lathe, and a TON of RGB LEDs. Unfortunately—because it turned out so nice—the company is thinking of selling it as a product next year, so [Nick] isn’t allowed to divulge much more information behind the build. Regardless, it looks fantastic , and we’re sure you could hack your own.

He was allowed to take a video of it though, so check it out after the break! He also has a ton of other very cool LED projects on his blog at www.hownottoengineer.com

Now, if that’s not big enough for you, you should take a look at this giant outdoor Christmas tree that sports 2000 waterproof RGB LEDs!

11 thoughts on “LEDmas Tree

  1. :-D
    The attention to detail with the laser cut rings and machined trunk :O
    Nice software too, must have taken a while with the non-standard led layout for things like the plasma, getting the interior colours to look good

    Nice build :-D

  2. Great build, but….

    I have a terrible feeling that these will come swimming over from some Asian sweatshop to drown us in kitsch next year. Remember the singing Christmas trees? I wish I didn’t either.

  3. It looks very nice but I think as far as trade secrets go…. well it’s a pole and some discs with some LEDs… Unless they sell them in plain black boxes, it’s not gonna be hard to copy.

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