Smart Mirror Reflects Hacker

Did [TobiasWeis] build a mirror that’s better at reflecting his image? No, he did not. Did he build a mirror that’s better at reflecting himself? We think so. In addition to these philosophical enhancements, the build itself is really nice.

The display is a Samsung LCD panel with its inconvenient plastic husk torn away and replaced with a new frame made of wood. We like the use of quickly made 3D printed brackets to hold the wood at a perfect 90 degrees while drilling the holes for the butt joints. Some time with glue, band clamps, and a few layers of paint and the frame was ready. He tried the DIY route for the two-way mirror, but decided to just order a glass one after some difficulty with bubbles and scratches.

A smart mirror needs an interface, but unless you own stock in Windex (glass cleaner), it is nice to have a way to keep it from turning into an OCD sufferer’s worst nightmare. This is, oddly, the first justification for the Leap Motion controller we can really buy into. Now, using the mirror does not involve touching the screen. [Tobias] initially thought to use a Raspberry Pi, but instead opted for a mini-computer that had been banging around a closet for a year or two. It had way more go power, and wouldn’t require him to hack drivers for the Leap Motion on the ARM version of Linux.

After that is was coding and installing modules. He goes into a bit of detail about it as well as his future plans. Our favorite is programming the mirror to show a scary face if you say “bloody mary” three times in a row.

19 thoughts on “Smart Mirror Reflects Hacker

    1. Yea an IR or RF remote would be an option, but seeing that is it’s a bathroom it could get pretty grungy or take several trips into the was basin. Speech could an option to consider as well.

  1. Great job but for one little thing.
    You have to think of other people that are handy capped with a height problem.(Like the person using it in your video.)
    You should of lowered it. You can see her reflection that she had to go onto her tip toes to use it.

    Other than that great job.

    By the way I’m one of thoughs people that are handy capped.

      1. Me too!

        It’s the sort of thing that doesn’t need to be put in a comment though – if you’re tall, you mount it tall, if you’re short, you mount it short. If you’re like my friend who is 196cm with a 133cm wife, you mount two!

        Something I always want to see in these builds – my own damn calendar!

        1. This is why I want to motorise my kitchen cabinets and the sink. A lot of designs use cheap jack screws to level them. What if motorized ?
          Same goes for the toilet. :) Wall hung models come with sturdy metal frames would could be motorized.

  2. Isn’t a leap motion a bit of an OTT extravagance for a basic “hands free” interface? I would’ve thought a pair of ultrasonic sensors would be a more practical choice…

      1. Yeah it is. But it seems he’s using some of its most rudimentary detection features. His control system seems tracked on like a late afterthought. Still, if it’s a work in progress…

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