This Friday, we’re talking RF. Join us for a discussion on designing RF products with Hackaday’s very own Jenny List. It’s all happening in the Hack Chat on
When Jenny isn’t busy writing for Hackaday, she sits on the board of the Oxford Hackspace. She’s the brains behind Language Spy, and sells electronic kits that include receivers, filters, and RF breakout boards. She’s extremely active on, and has used a Pi Zero to transmit across the Atlantic.
As usual, we’re starting this Hack Chat at Noon, Pacific time on Friday (or Friday 20:00 GMT). Here’s a handy countdown for the event.
Here’s How To Take Part:
Our Hack Chats are live community events on the Hack Chat group messaging.
Log into, visit that page, and look for the ‘Join this Project’ Button. Once you’re part of the project, the button will change to ‘Team Messaging’, which takes you directly to the Hack Chat.
You don’t have to wait until Friday; join whenever you want and you can see what the community is talking about.
Upcoming Hack Chats
The Hack Chats on are quickly becoming a thing. Already, we’ve had a pantheon of embedded systems gods including Lady Ada of Adafruit, Sprite_tm, and bunnie.
In March, we’re going to have a Hack Chat with Raspberry Pi engineer Roger Thornton, and a mechanical manufacturing Hack Chat with Fictiv. You can check out all the upcoming Hack Chats right here.
Any way you could post a transcript or something? Don’t think I can make it.
The event transcripts are usually posted after each event,so you’ll just have to look on the event description page linked, or ask in Hack Chat for a link =)
There should be a way to *sticky* “upcoming events” in the right hand column of the main page so we don’t forget.
And +100,000 for mentioning GMT instead of the usual hydrologic acronyms that I give up on.
> There should be a way to *sticky* “upcoming events”
That’s the first good idea I’ve heard in the comments. The first. I’ve been here for years.