The many YouTube workshop channels make for compelling viewing. even if their hackiness from a Hackaday viewpoint is sometimes variable. But from time to time up pops something that merits a second look. A case in point is [BUM]’s go-kart made entirely from Harbor Freight parts, a complete but rudimentary vehicle for around 300 dollars. It caught our eye because it shows some potential should anyone wish to try their luck with the same idea as a Power Racer or a Hacky Racer.
The chassis, and much of the running gear comes courtesy of a single purchase, a four-wheeled cart. Some cutting and welding produces a surprisingly useful steering mechanism, and the rear axle comes from a post hole digger. Power comes from the Predator gasoline engine, which seems to be a favourite among these channels.
The result is a basic but serviceable go-kart, though one whose braking system can be described as rudimentary at best. The front wheels are a little weak and require some reinforcement, but we can see in this the basis of greater things. Replacing that engine with a converted alternator or perhaps an electric rickshaw motor from AliExpress and providing it with more trustworthy braking would result in possibly the simplest Hacky Racer, or just a stylish means of gliding round a summer hacker camp.
Fun project, I generally applaud this kind of tinkering.
That said: 300 USD for a cart that barely works (wheels breaking off, etc.) isn’t that impressive and mostly looks like an advertisement for the store the parts came from…
Nice though that there’s a consumer store that sells ready-made combustion engines. I haven’t seen this in western Europe.
Probably far less demand as most people live in flats, not individual homes so DIY stores focus on stuff that’s needed and will not sit on shelves for years. However, I can easily buy a genuine Honda GX160 in a specialized store in my hometown (pop. 250k). They sell small engines for pumps, lawnmowers, generators etc. and also outboards. I can also order any Honda GX engine online and have it delivered in 2-3 days. Good enough for me.
Typical youth these days..$300 plus mommy and daddys electric bill of $200
For a certain death trap with trash components butchered together.
Only thing they forgot was a headstone!
Go carts should be safe and fun you yahoooos..better paying for a real cart and live…
You obviously didn’t grow up in the 1960’s and 1970’s in the USA. This is the same type of thing we did. Not everyone can afford what you consider safe. Children find ways to have fun. Safety isn’t in the vocabulary of a boy.
Harbor Freight has a sort of cult following in the US so this really isn’t an advertisement. They sell nearly every type of tool; wrenches, hammers, power tools, welders, compressors, jacks, etc. Some (Most?) of the stuff is of dubious quality but prices are cheap enough for single use in many cases.
The guy is probably just trying to be funny showing what’s possible by just going to a local hardware store.
Does that $300 include buying a welder? I’d love to see one of those dumb cooking type game shows take place in Harbor Freight where they have 1hr to make “a thing” only using HF stools and materials.
I would love to watch this.
That’s a great idea. Revive Scrapheap Challenge (Junkyard Wars) but it’s a day in Harbor Freight instead of a junkyard.
Harbor Freight doesn’t hold a candle to the Canadian equivalent, Princess Auto. Not only could you build a go kart, you can walk in to a Princess Auto and leave with everything you need to build an entire hydraulic dump trailer from scratch.
Northern Tool or Tractor Supply are a lot closer to the Princess Auto level from what I understand.
I’ve never stepped foot on the holy ground that is Process Auto though so I can’t say for certain
A great hack! But I wish they’d wear helmets.
Definitely!!!!! It needs to be a law.
So funny reading these comments. “Oh noooo, he’s not being safe!!” And ” What a POS, been better off with nothing at all!!” These are all ridiculous comments. At least the young man is up doing something besides living in mom’s basement and face glued to his phone. We built crap like this all the time growing up. Course we skipped school and smoked 🚬 cigarettes too. But it seems to me, if you don’t have anything nice to say…..why comment..?? Treat people like you want to be treated…and this place might be a little better… Peace ✌️
I worked many years at a kart centre and that thing is way too fragile for the amount of engine they’ve put on it, those garden carts are not designed for any of the loads they’ll see while being used as a go-kart, you’re gonna buckle or snap a wheel off on a corner and roll it, or the steering arm will buckle. It’s also got quite a high COG compared to real karts which are an inch or two off the ground – and people still manage to flip those.
All of which would be a fine and dandy learning experience if the guy was wearing any sort of helmet or other protection, as it is there’s a nice trip to the A+E in this. if you’re gonna be dumb at least be safe.
Dumb kids learn from trips to the ER.
Smart kids learn from their friends trip to the ER, also get potential viral vids.
He’ll add suspension w version 2.
Brakes w version 3.
Nitrous was version 1.5 though.
Kids don’t learn by letting dad do it for them.
Even if he could do a much better job.