Parallel LCD On OSX

mac parallel lcd

Reader EPooch needed a USB attached display for a future project. From initial research it seemed that most available solutions involved using a “usb to serial” adapter followed by a “serial to parallel” adapter and finally connecting that to the parallel interface on the lcd; Far from elegant. Eric decided to try using a USB to parallel cable intended for use with a printer. His first cable didn’t work out to well because of poor documentation. He ended up finding an adapter from Belkin that would work. Oddly, it works even though the cable was supposed to be Windows only and the Mac version of it isn’t made for OSX. Keep up the good work Eric and we hope to see more from you soon.

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NeXT Cubeness

Next Cube

Yes we are back again with MORE cubeness. This is yet another Japanese doing. It’s crazy that someone even thought of this, it’s like saying “Hey! Know what would rock? A Sun SparcStation2 inside a cube!” Well maybe not that bad, but it’s a NeXT cube. The failed one from the ’80s. Still Jobs, just not Apple. They gutted an Apple G4 Cube machine and made a sleek, well, next cube out of it. Even a pretty Next logo is there to complete it.  Seems like cube hacks and mods are the new fad

G5 Alarm Clock

g5 alarm clock

a couple of days ago, an engadget reader posed an important question:

Does a non-fugly cd-alarm clock exist? It is the Holy Grail of gadgets. How Sony can make a gorgeous T1 or T3 digital camera and still make clocks that look like ass confounds me.

now there is hope for fugly alarm clock haters.  anders lundberg has solved your problem and built an alarm clock into a mac g5 case.

the howto is written in swedish, but it’s also well documented in the universal language of jpeg.  it looks like he was able to create a custom led array that fits the hole pattern of the case, while using the guts from an every day alarm clock to drive it all.  thanks for the link, gary!

update: a reader over at tuaw has translated the howto to english

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Homebrew Mac Mini Dock

mac mini dock hack

hackaday reader lazzwaldo writes:

I’m too impatient to wait for someone else to come up with this, so here’s a quick’n’dirty (working) prototype of a Mac Mini Dock so I can use it in my truck or Jeep as a CarPuter, then be able to unplug it and take it elsewhere.

It consists of milled aluminum stock (perforated for ventilation), ProPoxy formed around the connector ends, and soft/”female” velcro to give a firm but smooth slide on the sides.

What it doesn’t have is a good way to UNplug it yet; I will install a tug strap to be able to disengage it. All connectors are present except for the phone/modem line.

there have been concepts, but i believe this is the first ever real life mac mini dock.  nice job!

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Shuffle Array

shuffle raid array

i saw this just moments after posting yestrday’s article, so i’ve been itching to get this one up before everyone has read it already (apologies to those that have).  here’s a quick howto that shows you how to make a raid 0 array out of 4 ipod shuffles.  is it just me, or does this one look an awful lot like that weird boomerang from krull?

the basic setup is applicable to normal usb flash drives as well.  it’s not super fast, but it does allow you to use several devices as a one single, larger drive.  there’s really nothing stopping you from making a software raid array out of anything.  take the floppy disk array as an extreme example.

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