Hackaday Links


hello readers! I hope you are all doing very well. The heat here in Philadelphia has just been absolutely killer. I think that if we’re doing any hacks, it should be a nice way to keep cool!

The next hackaday postcast will be out in June. I can let you guys know that much for sure.
And someone sent me the idea of a hackaday meetup. I like the idea. Leave a comment if you’re in Philadelphia/Near Philadelphia, tomorrow I’ll be asking about other cities of course.

Wake up with some coffee made from a popcorn maker. [mike]
Hated physics? Skip ahead. Like Physics? Read forward my friend. [arnold]
My kind of hack! Old Apple ADB ball mouse into a spankin new optical mouse! [joe]
Make a USB sega saturn pad from scratch. The best system ever too.
Public internet anonymity made easy. This one is really useful and creative. Nice work.

XXL shampoo. Now this is a first. [Simon]
PSP owner? Want to actually use that wi-fi? Make a wi-fi antenna for your psp.

I leave you guys with possibly the best hack ever. Remember Zoolander and how Derek had that tiny phone? Well…now you can make one yourself (MAGNUM!!!!)

29 thoughts on “Hackaday Links

  1. I don’t know about that PSP antenna hack.

    2.4Ghz makes for a pretty short antenna, and he’s got a wire going to another antenna making this one long antenna for 2.4ghz.

    Might be pushing the radio SWR wise, but how do you check something like that on a network radio?

  2. Actually, the link to “anonymous” web surfing… That doesn’t completely work. It says to install firefox to a USB flash drive… There is a distro of firefox called Firefox Portable that is SPECIFICALLY designed to limit writing to the hard drive by the browser. Just use this and you’re in like flint.

  3. I’m 20 mins from philadelphia 19454 zip. Make a time during the week and im sure i could be there. I “work” on the weekends yeah but I’d be there. Are we going to have a live hack?

  4. I think it would be great to have it somewhere in King of prussia: its a focal point between, philadelphia, mont co, chester, and delaware county. just a thought

  5. the psp antenna hack works just fine-i did it to mine (tho i did’nt hack such a nasty hole in the case as the guy who came up with it did) bout 3-4 months ago,when this hack first came out-i also submitted it to this site right after that,but of course,no response. ah well,everyone can’t be on the cutting edge it seems….

  6. I’m a few hours away from Philly (live about an hour from P-burgh), but if I have a reason, I’d be glad to make the trek. Although depending on the duration/time/etc, I may need to find a place to crash on that side of the state.

  7. Hey Ben, go to Google. Click “Translation Tools” (unsure of exact wording, you’ll see it). Type in the URL you want to visit in the URL box on the page. Translate it from Chineese (or Japanese) to English. Voila! Also try searching for the URL and then viewing the Google Cache.

  8. Incidentally, if you use the rest of that “anonymous computer use” thing, the part where you copy out the temp folder and copy in your own.. then replace. Yeah, that’ll work to replace files that use the same name, but if your browsing creates new files, there’s nothing to overwrite them with, so they’ll stay.

    You’re much better off using the suggestions further up the comments.

    BTW: NYC here, but I might be willing to head to Philly.

  9. I’ve forgotten to stick firefox onto my pendrive. I’ve wanted to use it at school see if i can round the filters as the google trick mention earlier does not work.

    Oh and also might be writing up a small project that i’m half working no, only small and dirty but inserting a pedometer into the side of a shoe and then reattaching the parts cut off.

  10. As to the anonymous browsing link: No. Not Firefox, not Portable Firefox, none of that. Whatever you use, there’s still a risk. If you REALLY want to be untraceable, use Damn Small Linux (http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/) off a pen drive or a CD, either from within Windows or with a reboot, and then when you’re done just walk away and vanish. *laughs maniacally* The perfect crime…

  11. 19027 – elkins park (septa will easily get me anywhere around philly)… monday ant tuesday are jewish holidays so i wouldn’t make it unless it were afterwards. also, maybe if there’s a cooler day coming up-this heat is ridiculous

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