Hackaday Links


hello readers! I hope you are all doing very well. The heat here in Philadelphia has just been absolutely killer. I think that if we’re doing any hacks, it should be a nice way to keep cool!

The next hackaday postcast will be out in June. I can let you guys know that much for sure.
And someone sent me the idea of a hackaday meetup. I like the idea. Leave a comment if you’re in Philadelphia/Near Philadelphia, tomorrow I’ll be asking about other cities of course.

Wake up with some coffee made from a popcorn maker. [mike]
Hated physics? Skip ahead. Like Physics? Read forward my friend. [arnold]
My kind of hack! Old Apple ADB ball mouse into a spankin new optical mouse! [joe]
Make a USB sega saturn pad from scratch. The best system ever too.
Public internet anonymity made easy. This one is really useful and creative. Nice work.

XXL shampoo. Now this is a first. [Simon]
PSP owner? Want to actually use that wi-fi? Make a wi-fi antenna for your psp.

I leave you guys with possibly the best hack ever. Remember Zoolander and how Derek had that tiny phone? Well…now you can make one yourself (MAGNUM!!!!)

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