Disco Dance Floor Roundup

disco dance floor

Probably the most popular project this summer was the MIT Disco Dance Floor. The build team eventually released the controller schematics and software. Several other projects spun off as a result of this.

We’ll start with the Disco Bar (since it has the most pictures). David has been actively building the bar and is nearing the finish line. He built a bar instead of a floor because as a white guy from  Wisconsin, he’s a far better drinker than dancer. I tend to feel one leads to the other.

David’s project is driven by software that Washington University students developed while building their Vertigo Dance Floor. The software includes a cool utility for building animations.

Also: Monkey see, monkey build and Tom’s Blog (in German)

[Update: We forgot to include the DECT phone system controllable Disco Dance Floor by Blinkenlights at 2005’s best hacker camping extravaganza, What the Hack. Another pic by an attendee of wth is here.]

9 thoughts on “Disco Dance Floor Roundup

  1. From the disco bar – “IMPORTANT: If you use the molex connector like I did, you MUST either switch the
    red and yellow wires, or mount the connector on the bottom of the board. The pcb boards are incorrect and have the +5 and +12 lines swapped.”

    Soemtimes hackaday insipres me to greatness. Other times my comedy driven mind wanders, and I can’t help but think that there is an amusing tale of destruction when this was discovered.

  2. “Sometimes hackaday insipres me to greatness. Other times my comedy driven mind wanders, and I can’t help but think that there is an amusing tale of destruction when this was discovered.”

    I wish I could say I had a visit from the magic blue smoke god, but I actually caught this error before I plugged it in. For the amount of time it takes to populate just one board, there was no way I was going to plug it in without triple checking everything, just in case something wasnt right. I could only imagine what I would have done had I not caught this error…

  3. I think everyone thus far has done a wonderful job..I’ve been folowing these for some time now, lurking quite a bit on the Monkey See, Monkey Build site.. I’m going to be building a floor AND table for a DJ friend, where both will be sync’d together.. I’ll post more on my website in the coming days as I get some parts in (still awaiting the MIT boards to come back in stock) along with posting some basic design ideas this evening in a blog I’ll have up http://www.mikes-website.com – I’m going to be talking quite a bit with all the different creators to try to get a good mix of ideas formulated..

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