Make Any Shape Board In Eagle


[Bryan] has been working on a very nice analog LED clock circuit, but when it came time to lay out the parts in Eagle, he was somewhat miffed by the inability to create designs in his Eagle boards. Eagle is a fine tool for laying out circuits, but when it comes to making strangely shaped PCBs, Eagle just isn’t the right tool.

The solution to this problem was to create the board outline in OpenSCAD. The desired shape of [Bryan]’s clock was easily designed, but importing the shape into an Eagle layer was another matter entirely.

OpenSCAD, though, can output 2D shapes to the DXF format. Getting the DXF board into Eagle required [Bryan] to write a script that outputs Eagle WIRE commands. Pasting these commands into the command line gave [Bryan] a perfectly shaped PCB.

Since DXF is supported by every drawing package on the planet, [Bryan]’s 20 line script could also be used for much more intricate designs. If you have an incredibly complex Illustrator drawing that deserves to be a PCB, it doesn’t get much easier than tossing it through a script.

21 thoughts on “Make Any Shape Board In Eagle

    1. So what you’re suggesting is that he learns two new programs, KiCAD and QCAD and then re-draws his whole circuit rather than either using the pre-written dxf converters or using his own?

      1. No, what I am saying is that if he was already using KiCAD, which is totally free of restriction, and entirely open, he would have had access to an easily parsed/generated notation for board outlines. He could probably have written a small Python script to generate the board outline in that picture directly to a KiCAD file.

        OpenSCAD produces DXF just as QCAD does, so either would be fine.

        I am pro-KiCAD because it is open and free. Any post I see that promotes Eagle needs to be countered by pointing out its closed and restricted nature.

          1. * Up to 100 x 80 mm (this got me to change to kicad)
            * Only 2 layers
            * Everytime you need to create a part, or make small changes to an existing one it’s a complex task
            * No DRC while laying tracks
            * One sheet and no sub-sheets
            * No usefull 3D viewer

            But people are adverse to changes even when there is clear benefits on the other side, but remember that engeneers need to keep learning new things every day or become obsolete

          2. Most of those restrictions do not apply when you get the paid version. What’s the problem with making parts ? I’ve never thought this was particularly complex.

  1. The nice thing with Eagle V6 is that board, schematics and libraries are XML, and you can go in with any text editor to tweak things. I’ve used this to get components lined up and exactly spaced, for instance. Of course, you can royally fsck things up that way too, so always work on a copy. And don’t edit the file while you have it open in Eagle.

    So in this case, if there wasn’t an obvious way to get the desired shape into the board (through a SCR or ULP), I would look at the wire statements for the dimension layer, determine the necessary X-Y pairs for the contour, turn those pairs into correct XML lines, and replace the existing dimension lines with the stuff I just generated.

  2. Nice layout!

    For the CAD package rant, I use gEDA PCB. It is also free (as in freedom), and PCBs are stored in plain text format, making it easy to modify them and create that kind of shapes using any scripting/programming language you like (even shell scripts). The user interface lacks a lot of bells and whistles, and it has its quirks, but it’s really powerful, and with some patience it can produce nice results. A section of a board I’m working on right now:

  3. Is anyone still paying attention to this? I found this a little disturbing when I first saw it, because I’ve always found eagle to be pretty good at allowing you to describe shapes algorithmically, by using its user program language. For example, this was generated by a ULP, and I can now generate similar boards pretty much instantly.

    On the other hand, the “convex hull” function that Bryan wanted to use isn’t one of the primitives present in EAGLE, so I kept my mouth shut. But ULPs provide a pretty complete progamming language, so you COULD write your own convex hull algorithm, and I eventually did. Here you can see an example, where the ULP has drawn the convex hull (in the teal “milling” layer) for the various circles on the bottom.

    No, it’s not blindingly fast; this probably took about 10s.

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