[Adam Wolf] sent along this great tip for transporting projects. He chopped out the center section of a tackle box clearing the way for two breadboards to be stuck to the lid. The boards are spaced for a DIP40 chip. Two binding post are epoxied in place to provide power. Now you can move your projects and parts without knocking wires loose. More details at his blog.
Nice :-) Ages ago I build my own speech board using a bread board like above (connected to my homebrew I/O port, connected to my tweaked ZX Spectrum). One of the problems was that now and then a connection wire didn’t make a good connection. So I could have used a box like this.
OTOH, the funniest thing was when the speech chip started to talk based on noisy input:
Ok did anyone else think when they saw that it was talking about a Star Trek Trasporter?
Oh well, good idea though.
wonderful , woooow your image in color ! that’s first?!
Excellent idea although I’m not completely sold on the implementation (the bottom of the box sitting up in the air would get in the way), fitting into the tackle case is nice though. There’s probably nothing more annoying than a hookup wire coming loose and the mad scramble that follows trying to figure out why the hell your project isn’t working anymore.
If you follow the photoset, the lid comes off, fixing the whole “box sticking up issue.”
You can see it here:
thats not safe dremeling
Awww. Geeks in love.
Also, this is a good idea. I mostly use breadboards to test guitar effect circuits, and things have a tendency to get messed up en route between various locations. I might just try this, or something similar.
crotch + spinning rotary tool……yeah not a fun night
unless your into that, im not judging.
In my defense, the dremel really doesn’t go that fast. It’s a little battery-powered one. I actually had to recharge it twice to cut through that plastic. Couldn’t have cut through the bottom in less than 30 seconds. . . :-P
I did something similar, I used 3 830pt solderless breadboards, and used their adhesive backs to interlock them on a clipboard. Its good to hold circuit diagrams and it makes me look geeky
color image ?!
no tape at corners effect ?
If you install the board inside the space you dremeled out you could still use the storage compartments.
…unless of course you can get away with the the board being upside-down.
The board works fine upside-down. I can post some pics of the board full of stuff if people are interested.
Fantastic idea, I hate looking for the one loose wire that is killing the project…
Interesting idea. And with the transparency of the box it gets more attention than being stuffed in a cardboard box.