Yes folks it’s true: You can build a computer controlled 3-axis circuit board mill from cutting boards, a pile of printer parts and a Dremel. My coworker [Will] has posted the third and final installment of his CNC machine build on Engadget. This project was launched when Will stumbled across plans for an incredibly elegant and cheap ($22~$30) 3-axis stepper motor controller that originally appeared in Nuts&Volts in 1994. It uses a discontinued UCN5804B chip, but he lists a source for them. Building the controller and scavenging stepper motors from old dot-matrix printers is covered in part 1. For the body of the machine Will chopped up a couple cheap 1/2″ thick cutting boards from Sam’s Club. The polyethlene probably isn’t as good as say Delrin but it wins out for availability. Steel rod from the hardware store is used for the linear slides. Part 2 covers the constructions of the first axis (the table) which rides on inch long nuts on threaded rod. Part 3 covers assembling the final two axes in the head and installing the Dremel’s flex head. Amazingly he nearly got the entire thing built in the span of two evenings.
I am currently working on the stepper motor driver for my CNC machine.
These small models show the priciples of CNC machines very well. I’d like to use them for my apprentices that will have to become CNC fitters, CNC turners or even CNC programers.
Great work!
Anything on software to drive it? G-code or CL (cutter location) format. Or is that another project?
I like to bluid milling cnc by myselt
I like to know the control stepping moter and control board.
Thank you very much
Sittidech Lobyam Thailand.