Self-contained War Driving Box

war drive box

The Church of Wifi has been really busy since we last checked in with them. They showed a lot of cool projects yesterday. I was really impressed by the modded WRT54Gs that their members have been building. beakmyn’s self contained war driving box article was what really kicked this off. He covers adding GPS, SD card, and all the needed software to the WRT. Once completed all you have to do is plug the box in, go for a drive and then just pull the card when you get home to retrieve the data.

39 thoughts on “Self-contained War Driving Box

  1. NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL A HACK complex but routers one of my hobbys upgradeing firm wear is the trick to most but this hack is far beyond that thank u very intresting stuff

  2. very, very nice. routers are coming down in price so I may actually consider this as i don’t have a laptop. maybe with some custom antennas.

    Error Message: 403.6 – Forbidden: IP address rejected

    Each client has a unique IP address. If the server defines a list of IP addresses that are not allowed to access the site and the IP address you are using is on this list, you will receive the error message.

    This is a feature that grants or denies specific users access to a Web site, directory, or file.;en-us;Q248043&sd=tech

    you’ve been banned, son.

  3. “but routers one of my hobbys upgradeing firm wear is the trick to most but this hack is far beyond that thank u very intresting stuff”

    How old are you, six? How about putting a little more effort into your “hobby”..

    firm wear, lol

  4. i am amazed at they amount of idiots on this site namely packet monkey monkey by name and nature and also japroach yes also a roach by name and nature in other words ur the lowest life form known to man so i carnt spell so what big deal i am still leaps and bounds above u monkeys so if u havent got anything intresting to say shut the FUCK UP

  5. To all of those with personal attacks or useless comments. Please, shut the hell up. I come to HAD to read about hacks, i dont give a flying fuck whether or not it has MY interests at hand. It pleases someone else.

    If you don’t like it, leave.

  6. plz ignore post 11 as its not our steve its some pyscho path who needs medication fast some one call 911 also ithink orwell84 needs a good kicking i may be just the boy 4 the job

  7. to giskard it is not my lifes work to destroy this site but to improve u moron and if u cant see that ur more unintelegent than i thought .for ur imformation i typed american inventions into google the results came back the skate board .and the hot dog wow ur nation r so inventive PMSL THE BRITISH RULE OK SO DONT START OR I WILL FINISH IT

  8. yess barry so sorry my speling not up to much i know and you,r so right we did invent every thing yes and google is american so is microsoft and what a hash they made of that name me some other things invented by americans apart from the hot dog imean enginering stuff the jet no the phone no the computer no aviation no railways no steam power no television no ect ect ect glass no ship building no if it was not for the british nothing would have been invented ok GUYS

  9. Steve, actually alot of what was invented would also be included as a american invention, being as the majority of american’s ancestors are british.We are all the one big family. Now all this arguing just needs to end, no?

  10. This post shouldn’t even be here. The guy’s website’s been down forever (obviously has no idea how to setup a wiki or website).

    Also, it’s a very old concept (I’ve seen such circuits even in ECG books from 15+ years ago – if not more). Whoever claims to design circuits for a living and hasn’t seen this… Well, we know for sure you don’t do this for a living.

    And about the site being down, perhaps it’s a good thing. Try looking at the google cache. My english sucks, but this is beyond ridiculous!

    Random quote:

    “But higher voltage needs much higher resistor wattage, becaming the system obsolete, uses much current on transformer without get more performance”

    Worst english EVER… And he’s “releasing” his old/obvious/trivial circuit under creative commons – ROFL! Like it matters… Next article he writes he’ll license his flashlight circuit under CC too. He better not see you sell a flashlight, or his lawyers will contact you ;)

    this guy has *no* clue.

  11. IMHO this is a cool hack, but could be made better by a character (sp?) lcd. Ive heard that they can be attached to the wrt54g, but i could be wrong. I would love to try this on my wrt54g, but it’s currently serving up internet for the whole family :)

  12. Which steve, that’s the problem, i could have gone in and said steve was my name.. if we could set it up so people have unique IDs, it might be a bit less confusing, since a bunch ofpeople choose steve as their name…. unless they can trace the ip addy of whoever steve really is and ban that…

  13. You haven’t seen anything yet. I just took my WRT54gs to new extremes in my latest work, project Tetanus. In a few weeks you can look forward to seeing a fully RF remote controlled WRT, able to run any of dozens of custom scripts via a sequence of keycodes (PIC sends serial commands to WRT). I’ve added a 6 segment LED display and am about to hook up a nokia LCD, and currently this is all running from the WRT and 3 PIC microcontrollers. The external voltage, ambient and CPU temperature, uptime, and more will be displayed, and the power supply of the WRT will be intercepted with a mosfet switch to allow remote turn off and turn on of the WRT to save power! Project Tetanus gets its name from the infamous condition that causes paralysis and contraction of muscles eventually leading to suffocation and hence death. It was named this in anticipation for the release of packet injection drivers so that my easybutton will have a brand new use: an instant and laptop-less MDK2 AMOK-MODE deauth attack! I have cut the dc-dc converters from my retired belkin router for the purpose of seperately powering the PIC microcontrollers (when WRT is off, the PICs must draw poer from somewhere), but I find that the supply draws 14ma dry at 10v (that’s too much power for battery mode, I’ll have to build a better switching regulator). The regulator will also provide 2.5v for a large array of 16 1W (pulsed) IR LEDs to integrate a share of the LIRC (remote control) project for Linux. This does run on a router and it means that I can turn off your TV from about half a mile away at this power level (and halfway around the world if I do it over the internet through telnet or SSH). A micro will also provide accessory IO control via mosfets for things like fans, leds (the transistor is the limit!), and appliances. I have removed the left RP-TNC connector from the PCB (requires extensive drilling, be careful of power planes in the board), soldered and epoxied a 8dbi miniature panel antenna to the board, and better reception is only naturally the result (configure it in your firmware to use a single antenna). My Soyo Dragon P4X400 (best motherboard of of 2002, dead by 2005) donated its chipset heatsink and serial ports to project Tetanus, and I highly encourage you to try it out. AT 80% completion I will begin posting pictures on my site and will post its URL on this comment list (you’ll see it in hackaday’s new hack if they accept it, and they should because it’ll be the best the’ve had in at least a few months). I’ll even host a mirror of the page on my WRT! If you have soldering experience and a few PICs sitting about (specifically 16f88s or other A/D converter chips with large amounts of program memory), you’ll NEED this project.

    Project links:
    (current server-hosted site)
    (current router-hosted site, play nice)

  14. Ah, that’s
    by the way, for the moment. The WRT54GS v4 uses only 3.7 watts at 10 volts. That means that it will run for over 6 hours on a pack of eight good NiMH batteries. That’s plenty of time to surf, knock people off, and switch notebook batteries. Please contribute to this project in any way that you can (with your knowledge and code wisdom, I’m not stupid enough to ask to donations).

  15. Ah, that’s
    by the way, for the moment. The WRT54GS v4 uses only 3.7 watts at 10 volts. That means that it will run for over 6 hours on a pack of eight good NiMH batteries. That’s plenty of time to surf, knock people off, and switch notebook batteries. Please contribute to this project in any way that you can (with your knowledge and code wisdom, I’m not stupid enough to ask to donations).

  16. Ok Steve, I Have Two words I want you to remember for the rest of your pathetic tea sipping life ok, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. If it wasn’t for that man, we wouldn’t even be talking on this website right now.

  17. How about logging all attempts to post a comment as “steve” and immediatly ban those IPs from even reading the site (for only a day or so)? Sure, easy enough to get around, but with a nasty enough message it should discourage future idiocy. A little.

  18. I must say I love this. I like the idea that all I need is this and not a bunch of other stuff when out wardriving. One thing I am wondering is that I havent seen anyhting yet describing how to (in detail) add the GPS part of all of this. Does anyone have any links or anything on how to do it? As soon as I get some money I am soooooo doing this. I love it. keep up the good work.

  19. I must say I love this. I like the idea that all I need is this and not a bunch of other stuff when out wardriving. One thing I am wondering is that I havent seen anyhting yet describing how to (in detail) add the GPS part of all of this. Does anyone have any links or anything on how to do it? As soon as I get some money I am soooooo doing this. I love it. keep up the good work.

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