Sometimes the simple hacks make me happy. [CyberZeroCool] sent in his lightly modded fonera router. He hijacked the antenna and pigtail from one of his bricked fonera’s. One hole and a bit of soldering later: dual antennas. Of course, we’ve no idea if he can even use them both, but if it’s possible, openwrt will save the day. Wireless bits can get expensive, so I’ve grown to like mods that don’t need them.
20 thoughts on “Dual Antenna Fonera Mod”
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Great, now you have twice the noise :)
i dont understand why they didnt put them farther appart
If by use them both you mean use which ever one has a higher signal strength, then I would say yes.. but until he mounts them in a different location, or changes them it wont really have any effect.
Yes, I do have Open DD-WRT install and it is great, I am going to reposition it to the side, thanks guys for the interest.
Around a month ago, I too discoverd that there was an extra antenna pad internally, and added a TNC pigtail to it I had laying around. The stock Linksys TNC antenna definatly does a better job than the stock Fonera SMA antenna. The Beta DD-WRT firmwares have a diversity option, with the stock antenna being “Secondary” and the unused pad being “Primary”. Last week I put my whole creation into a empty Linksys WAP11 box, so I can now add it to my Linksys stack =]
This looks neat, although I have an sort of off topic question. Is there anyway to fix a bricked router? I tried to do OpenWRT but it ended up failing. I have a USRobotics with that MAX thing they have i cant remember the number. also i cant RMA it because its passed. Thanks.
You have to do a Serial TTL connection to the board.
Check out some of my other projects and RSS it.
page over bandwidth limit
re: cantenna: using a clamp to hold the coffee can and preheating it with a propane torch will go a long way toward making a clean connection with the antenna.
is there any central site for fonera hacking?
also the dd-wrt forums are pretty full of info.
Otherwise turn to google if that’s not you’re looking for.
Yes, there is a central site:
Love reading this stuff.
there is quite a discussion going on about the fon and the hacking of it over at team hack-a-day forums.
did the free fons with code 614249339250883 at
run out? they seemed to work yesterday but now they don’t. are there any other good links for free fons?
The promo was only till March 31st.
:( promo ended way earlier than march 31 in Canada :( I only ordered one… stupid me…
anyone with an invite want to share then? palmmann(at)
i’d be very grateful.
I’d appreciate a Fon invite, if anyone has one.
gstuartj (at) gmail [dot] com
It seems like the invites have never worked. None of my “friends” e-mail address ever get a working link from Fon for a free fonera.