Excited about google Chrome? Can’t wait? Why not play with google’s other OS, Android. You can now run Android from a live cd on any X86 computer. Just pop it in and go without any damage to your existing data. They’ve already gotten it working on the EEE_701, let’s see one with touch screen installed.
Live Android
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Or you can just download the Android SDK and run the emulator…
I don’t really see why people want Android on laptops. It’s a phone OS. Phones are different to laptops.
yea, android, i’ll pass.
Or they want to see android take over Windhows.
If you don’t feel like blog-hopping:
few questions: are they anything more than a pretty desktop environment, and does it have a stack protector and/or even opengl support?
i think it’s super cool, i wouldn’t use it as an os, but im downloading it now.
downgrade laptop into pocket pc
what i find entertaining is that people with g1’s tend to be installing debian on their phones or otherwise trying to get more functionality from the android os, and then this comes along so that you can boot a computer into android.
oh wow. this is actually awesome. because like some people, i don’t want to download the sdk that comes with stuff i will never use (right now) to test out google android. instead i can fire this off in virtual box and test it out and because of this id very much like to have an android phone and maybe dev apps for it!
I think only Dustin’s got the point.
I’ve got an android mobile and I’ve love to write my own apps for it, but don’t want to play havoc with my phone in the process. This + VMWare gives me that opportunity.
Obviously it won’t have an accelerometer etc but the most damage is done when you’re simply getting a feel for the workings of a new environment…
johnnyd: That’s what the emulator is for.
-10 points for misleading post title. :S
What benefit is this over the emulator?
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my bus pirate is on its way, wooohooo!
classic fail! 2 different machines, and all I got was a black screen. wasted hours downloading, burned myself a coaster. I don’t need the false hopes. tell people what hardware is required to run stuff.
I just downloaded it to a rw disk and it booted right up but doesn’t recognize my belkin card.It has all kinds of stuff for phone apps but haven’t tryed to connect it to the Ethernet yet but it might make for a nice minimalistic os with some tweeking.
lassic fail! 2 different machines, and all I got was a black screen
but haven’t tryed to connect it to the Ethernet yet but it might make for a nice minimalistic os with some tweeking.
they want to see android take over Windhows.
hone apps but haven’t tryed to connect it to the Ethernet yet make for a nice minimalistic os
I love Android. Its going to be exciting to see all the Android phones that are coming out to give apple some competition
Has anyone installed development tools on the Android Os? GCC? JDK? Mono? Bash? PERL? Does a precompiled standard 386 gcc simply copy over to the OS? How about a JDK/JVM environment?
I used Android on my pc. It is working well but i couldnt install any Android application on it. Can anybody help me with this issue.