We saw this nifty little toy today and thought you guys might get a kick out of it. Its called the Hangmanduino, and as you can probably tell from the name, it plays hang man. This was an exercise in simplicity, you’ll notice there is only a single control for the entire game. We thought that the design was pretty cool, especially the single control. We weren’t surprised to see that this is actually the very same control we featured previously. You can download the code yourself from his website, if you want to make one of your own.
[via Flickr]
YAAH – Yet another arudino hack,
not that i mind, its cool to see what people are doing with them, but ream hacks would be nice too, havnt seen any in along time, SUBMIT HACKS PEOPLE
*real should of checked my spelling before tab+enter
^ lol – I could live without getting reamed.
thats a cool project!
not everything based on arduino is bullshit!
dont be to 3lit3… everyone started with something easy. only important thing is thats its cool. not like the arduino furby shit
Needs at least 2 arduinos to be l33t
the box looks awesome pretty professional if you ask me
speaking of starting simple…
10 print “hello world”
I’m going to go submit a bunch of arduino hacks now, just to bug you guys.
The case need to be made entirely from arduinos too for it to be really 1337.
zomg an arduino!!!11
Arduino + no deinterlace = pure win
i like paper
I need an arduino filter.
which programming language u used for it