[Jon] wanted to have some fun with the Graffiti Research Lab’s LASER Tag. Unfortunately his computer wasn’t quite up for the challenge of detecting the laser pointer with a webcam. Not to be discouraged by this hardware limitation, he purchased a used Wacom tablet and threw together some code to make it work with the GRL display software. Now designs can be scrawled on the pad and the projector displays them with the familiar dripping paint effect.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRRqmW1PFkw&feature=player_embedded#t=31]
Wacom Light Graffiti
17 thoughts on “Wacom Light Graffiti”
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Hey there! Just to avoid some confusion — I’m not actually using the GRL software at all in this project. I believe GRL’s program uses Quicktime, which crawled on my machine.
My software (which is a really small program) simply reads input from the Wacom via a serial port, and uses libSDL to draw on the screen. The dripping effect is done by randomly selecting some points in the user’s stylus stroke to “drip.” The “drips” are kept track of and are updated (i.e. redrawn a few pixels down) after some amount of time.
Great for parties and maybe as a whiteboard.
How portable is this and how bright, I want to do some graffiti on a big building.
@Jon, great project man really cool hack. And don’t worry about the mix up this isn’t a real news site, the don’t worry about things like facts and checking sources here.
@thedudefrommiamivice: I’m curious why you still visit and regularly comment on a site you so clearly hate. Perhaps it’s just out of spite.
Is your machine using XP? Just wondering, because if you got that old serial tablet to work in Vista, thats a much more impressive hack.
@Jack: Because it used to be a place I loved to visit should I just go quietly into the night and let these bastards rape something I used to love?
I give credit where it is due and leave as many positive comments as I do negative, its just the negative ones tend to stand out a bit more.
Thanks for your concern.
wait, so he drawing on wacom table and displaying it on projector ? Do i miss something ? this hardware do exactly what it intended to do, input -> output, where is hack ?
@Will Richey: Vista doesn’t change the way serial ports work, does it?
It’s cool!
I like it, and wish I could book some time on one.
Not that I’m an artist or anything, it just looks like a lot of fun.
How’s the latency?
@Great project!
I bet you could probably make a version that doesn’t need to be tethered to a computer if you use an arduino with a uVGA module.
Whoops, meant “@Jon”. Must be getting senile.
light of our lives are made brighter, the art of graffiti is very suitable.
Thats some great stuff. I was wondering how to do that myself after seeing the vid of those guys on youtube doing it with the laser pointer in DC. This looks alot better as i have a couple of tablets that i can mess with.
Links dead to the wacom code? If anyone has it to share it would be much appreciated!