CES Update: January 5, 2010

As you already know, we’ll be attending CES this year. We’re still looking for ideas on what you, our loyal readers, want to see. We’ve gotten some good feedback, and came up with some ideas of our own. Keep sending in your ideas. Remember, it doesn’t even have to do with CES. Are there any hacker groups in Vegas that we could meet with? Any locations of interest? Let us know.

So far, we have the following requests:

  • Google Nexus
  • Notion Ink tablet w/Pixel-Qi display
  • Instinct Engineering – Suitcase XBOX 360, Fold out gaming couch
  • Car that can drive itself (most likely Toyota or Honda)
  • PSP 4000
  • Transparent OLED display from Samsung
  • Neuro/EEG Devices; Neurosky Booth

29 thoughts on “CES Update: January 5, 2010

  1. I’m not sure if Lenovo is showing their IdeaPad U1 Hybred tablet yet, but if can you check their booth I would be very happy.
    btw the U1 has a resistive multitouchscreen, info about who makes them is also very appreciated.

  2. I’m jealous!
    I’d personally like to see what sort of advances in OLED displays there have been – specifically are there any companies selling hacker friendly OLED modules which can be easily used with low-end microcontrollers – I’m thinking the ones with built in display processors like 4DSystems GOLDELOX, where all you need do is send it the drawing instruction, eg draw a line/circle/text etc over serial.
    I’m hoping to see maybe 8inch or bigger OLED modules nowadays with far more advanced on board driving processors, eg. faster, more powerful features, easier to use, etc. etc. etc.
    I always thought the 4D Systems ones were a bit finnicky and under-developed myself.

  3. I live in vegas, but am unware of any regular hacker groups. We’ve talked about a hackerspace but gotten nowhere that i know of.

    If anyone does know, shout out.

    All the locations of interest are on industrial ;)

  4. Please report about the coolest and the most hackable e-reader you find. That is, one in which you get an access to its Linux shell, or one that is is easily rooted so, that one can replace the original firmware with something like

    If iRex’s upcoming DR800SG reader will be demoed there, please ask whether one can obtain a shell access to it (e.g. for porting third party applications), like in the previous iLiad readers from iRex.

  5. I’m watching for for an E-Reader that will run other serious programs as well as whatever slimmer-than-thou widget the Apple Zombies will line up to buy-and-be-cool-with next. Also watching Microsoft defend its hegemony (“it’s a good product because we say so”) a la GM’s denouement should be interesting…

  6. Yessss you guys are coming to my town! There are not a lot of hacker groups that we are aware of here in vegas besides the scene around Rooftop Ridicule, which is truly a hacker band. We play really listenable rock music but with circuit bent toy keyboards and hacked graphics calculator and gameboy beats all played live and used musically. I’ve been a fan of this site forever and it would be great if we caught up at one of our shows out here! we’ll make it free for you.

    you can all see breakdowns of several of the hacks in our band at http://www.instructables.com/member/wozlaser/ or our http://youtube.com/rooftopridicule

  7. Sounds really weird, but id like to see what hardware is driving the actual display stands. Like, if there is some moving sign, or some sort of revolving display case, or something that has bells and whistles, some sort of info on that would be interesting to see how the “big companies” go about hacking together a display case.
    I suspect there could be a few surprises in store in some of them. Ive seen some which are down right scary. Just an idea,, But for some reason, i ALWAYS look at that sort of stuff. Even cable management of the LCDs which hang around the place.. Things like that.

  8. I would like to hear about multiplex devices. A camera with GPS, Ranger Finder, etc. Don’t know if anyone has built such a thing, but it would provide great hacking potential. A ‘Swiss Army knife’ sensor set.

  9. you could always come by and stop at my house to say hello. i am a big fan of this site and try to read the interesting stuff everyday. i wanted to go to the CES but unfortunately i have to work. so if you want i would like to meet you guys.

  10. Well Folks, having lived here in Vegas a number of years now, I can suggest some great places to visit.

    However, they are non-technical in form and function. They are:

    Red Rock Canyon-awesome iron-oxide rock formations. Perfect for some hiking-time in the sun after hours in the lab/shop, building up muscles you forgot you had!

    Mount Charleston-if you’ve got the time, this drive is worth it. Alpine Mountain-type setting, which *does* receive snowfall!! Take a jacket!

    As for Tech-type spots, pretty sure most anyone on here will give ya those. Just trying to show you thoughts outside the box!

  11. @tom, nothing really active I know of, a couple of us defconer’s have kicked the idea around but nothing more than that.

    The Pololu robotics link to the LV robotics club looks like its dried up.

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