[Andrew] takes his coffee very seriously and like any hardcore aficionado he wanted to do the roasting himself. The coffee roaster design uses a heat gun for the roasting and sources an old bread maker as a vessel. As part of the automatic bread making process there’s a little agitator arm inside which keeps the beans moving while the heat is applied. A computer controls the heat gun, adjust with feedback from a temperature sensor. We had a bit of a laugh reading about melted temperature sensors, but design flaws aside this computer interface allows rather strict control of the roasting profile.
Reader [Youseff] tipped us off about this after seeing the Popcorn Coffee Bean roaster from last week.
it’s called a “corretto” it is the weapon of choice for many over at http://www.coffeesnobs.com.au there are also ones made from a turbo roaster (the pot oven things MrT advertises) and pasta pots with a little motor under. The corretto is my set up as well, very cheap and very good… you can do with out the computer control and do it by ear and sight, but the computer adds reproducibility and the ability to roast to “profile”
oh as A side note I notice they are members of coffeesnob …the card there in the middle is a membership card and colour chart…
Or if you just clicked the link and actually looked at the article instead of just reading the usually worthless paragraph that hackaday wrote you would find that ITS FROM A POST ON COFFEESNOBS
You would also have noticed it’s by Andrew Tridgell the guy that wrote Samba.