[Matthew Riese] got frustrated waiting for the future to arrive so he could have his flying car. He decided to take things into his own hands and construct the closest thing he could. This turned out to be a hovercraft. Not only that, but he thought that the most fitting shape for this thing would be a DeLorean. We can’t say that we disagree with him. Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot of information on his build. There is this cool video on his kickstarter page (don’t worry, he got funded back in 2010). To make up for the fact that the build information is sparse, we’ve found you some plans to make your own hovercraft. Just add whatever shape body you want, though we have some suggestions.
[via Makezine]
anyone remember the monster garage attempt at this?
Yup! When was that, 2004? I remember Jesse being upset because they gutted the car first; he wanted the whole thing to be up on the hovercraft – engine, tranny, tires, and all.
Sweet! Who’s running the Kick-starter for the Flux Capacitor? We NEED to get those guys together. I predict a party full of awesome would spontaneously break out.
I don’t know about the kickstarter, but there have been commercially available flux capacitor props for years.
Hollywood made the DeLorean ride on rails, you made it fly on water.
Not unless you got powah.
Good call.
Those are pretty inefficient designs you posted there. There are much better plans available. Like these: http://airdeglisse.free.fr/articles.php?lng=en&pg=18
Just saw this at the Bay Area Makers Faire.
What, no video?
If you want to see a functional DeLorean hovercraft then this is relevant, although not sure if it’s real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1vGosMScjM