A Coffee Machine With An Attitude


[Armin] and his crew at BerkelaarMRT were contacted by the Museum of Communication in The Hague to see if they could build a coffee machine that was operated only by voice. It sounded like an interesting challenge, so they took on the job and came up with a very awesome interactive coffee machine.

The interactive coffee machine is based on a coffee maker made by Animo with the ability to make cappuccino, espresso, or just a straight coffee. The electronics are based on a Motorola Xoom 10″ tablet with an Electric Sheep module from Sparkfun. This, along with a custom-made PCB with optocouplers, to allow the buttons on the coffee maker to be electronically activated.

When anyone walks up to the coffee machine, a Maxbotix sonar module detects their presence and a small animated coffee cup asks what they’d like to drink. The cute little cup then prepares the drink and waits for its next human.

There’s a video of the machine in action available below. it’s in Dutch, but anyone will be able to get the jist of how the animated coffee machine operates.


12 thoughts on “A Coffee Machine With An Attitude

  1. I never connected to it, just tried now since it’s “coffee day”.
    No sign of life in hyperterminal, at neither 9600, or 115k (8,n,1)
    It’s a Jura Impressa S9. Anyone know the proprietary protocol to talk to it?
    It’s currently working, so no emergency……

    1. Are you sure it’s really a serial port? mayhaps it’s just a proprietary interface with a DB/E-9 connector that is used for RS-232?

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