We’re Hiring

The Hackaday crew has done some amazing things this year, and we’re finding ourselves a bit stretched. Want to lend a hand while making some extra dough to plow back into your projects? This is a work-from-home (or wherever you like) position that affords you the opportunity to guide what we cover on Hackaday.com. We hire writers for their judgement, which helps keep our subject matter fresh. But don’t worry, we do have a very active tips line from which many of our story leads come.

Contributors are hired as private contractors and paid for each post. You should have the technical expertise to understand the projects you write about, and a passion for the wide range of topics we feature. If you’re interested, please email our jobs line and include:

  • Details about your background (education, employment, etc.) that make you a valuable addition to the team
  • Links to your blog/project posts/etc. which have been published on the Internet
  • One example post written in the voice of Hackaday. Include a banner image, 150 words, the link to the project, and any in-links to related and relevant Hackaday features.

Words of encouragement

First off, we won’t be discussing compensation publicly. Want to know what we pay? Send in a successful application and we’ll talk about it.

Secondly, don’t pass up this opportunity. I watched one of these posts go by and waited another year before I saw the next one and applied. Now I’m running the place. Our team is made up of avid readers. If you’re passionate about the stuff you read here and you have a few hours each week to do some writing you need to apply now!

So what are you waiting for? Ladies and Gentlemen, start your applications!

71 thoughts on “We’re Hiring

      1. You’ve been doing an awesome job of it, too. I haven’t seen a bad story here in a long time. Everything stays technical enough to be solidly within the Hackaday niche.

        My only problem these days is that there’s too many hacks-a-day to read them all.

        Keep up the great work!

  1. Hi You know who I am. I have applied for HAD many times before and never got the chance? So give me the chance this time? You know I have the knowledge and writing capabilities in so many areas. I wont let you down? Br /jan


    Från: Hackaday [mailto:comment-reply@wordpress.com] Skickat: den 22 november 2014 01:01 Till: jan.ostman@indoorevent.se Ämne: [New post] We’re Hiring

    Mike Szczys posted: “The Hackaday crew has done some amazing things this year, and we’re finding ourselves a bit stretched. Want to lend a hand while making some extra dough to plow back into your projects? This is a work-from-home (or wherever you like) position that affords”

  2. About how many people are you looking to hire? What is the going rate for each post? Is it a flat rate or based on some SEO metric click through to banner ads? Are there quotas to fill in terms on minimum posts/week or minimum click through?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Read the post before you ask questions. He said there will be no discussion of finances here. You must apply.

      My guess is, if you are doing this for the money, you are in it for the wrong reason. But Im sure there is still plenty of money involved

      1. The article advised ” each post “we won’t be discussing compensation publicly”, most reasonable persons would read that they wouldn’t discuss actual amount paid for each article” I have no problem with that, and I don’t expect an answer to grumble’s second question,despite grumble didn’t ask for specific amount. Grumbles last two questions sorta tells me grumble has been around the block when it comes to working as private contractor whether it be on the web or, out here in the actual world. Hackaday should consider answering those questions publicly or risk sending up a red flag to potential good, but real world aware applicants.

    1. Man I would do this job for free just to make sure good content keeps flowing. You guys are looking at this the wrong way! HaD offers great information. If it wasn’t profitable to them, they would not practically be able to continue providing premium content. As I see it, the more profitable HaD is, the more useful content they will be able to provide us.

      1. That is true if the laborer also owns the means of production like a working sole expropriator/partner in a business or farming operation , but that wouldn’t be the case here, because it’s Hackaday/Supplementary that owns what creates revenue from it’s own labor and the labor of others. However it could be in the beast interests of those considering the offer to strike out on their own particularly if they could discover each other. Not saying they could be successful competition to hackaday.

        Anyway today’s conservatives would call Lincoln a Marxist. While not anti-capital, but he understood without labor there is no capital, and labor proceeds capital. Those who wrested control of the capital would have us believe the opposite. I hope US labor discovers reality in a slow deliberate manner, because if it hit’s labor with jarring force, the US is burnt toast

  3. ive been following HaD for years. At first i didnt understand 90% of what was said here but i knew it was cool stuff. Now i understand at least 90% (in theory). It would be so awesome to be a part of it, regardless if i get paid. Seriously, HaD has tought me more than college :)

  4. Forgive me but this has me a tad confused: “One example post written in the voice of Hackaday. Include a banner image, 150 words, the link to the project, and any in-links to related and relevant Hackaday features.”

    So an example post written as if one was writing *for* HaD with the HaD banner on it?

  5. What the heck, I might as well give this a shot. I’m so accustomed to being rejected by potential employers (and women and pretty much everyone else) at this point that no amount of rejection can hurt me. I’m bulletproof.

  6. Whenever I see a “For Sale ” sign I always look for the price. If its there you go in if you are interested and don’t if you are not.
    No time wasting . If the price is too high you don’t bother going in .
    Now if there is no price you go in and half the time they have wasted your time .The price they want is too high and they are not willing to come down .
    It works the same with job adds . If they don’t tell you up front , they are hiding the fact that they are going to pay you a pittance.I would not even bother applying .

    1. I seem to remember that they are paying like 10-20 dollars USD for each post. Not exactly the top of the pack job offering. ‘only accepted applicants will be told the wage’ LOL

      1. Note: This is based off of nopenope’s speculation on pay.

        If you can write decent content in 20 minutes and make $15 for a post (averaged) it is roughly equivalent to an $85,000/yr salary rate. Obviously not a full time job, so you won’t see that full paycheck, but it’s really not bad at all.

        That said, even if it took you an hour to find a topic and write a decent post at $10/hr you’re still making more than minimum wage to do something you probably already enjoy.

        I don’t find it laughable in the least.

        If you’re unemployed (eg college full time) this would be an interesting opportunity. Shoot to make under $600/yr and they’re not even required to 1099 you (no tax).

          1. No. It is obviously not a replacement for a full time job, but if your 10,20,30 minutes is worth a specific price for full time work, why would the same amount of time be worth less to write for HaD? Plus, most of us enjoy hack-related reading and writing, that’s why we’re here in the first place.

  7. “we won’t be discussing compensation publicly”
    First off that’s neither good nor bad so I not blaming Hackday for that decision. The problem that so many don’t understand what that means for them. Here are somethings anyone considering this job or any other job where they will be considered a private contractor. That means you will be self employed and will have to do what an employer is required to do. That means you are responsible to get your estimated Federal, and State income taxes paid. Tou will be responsible to pay both the employee and employer continuation to Social Security/ Medicare; self-employment tax. There will be no employer paying a workman’s compensation insurance policy on yourself. I was going to discount that as not relative here, but I changed my mind, Why? In the event you decide to on projects to create content for Hackaday and become injured where yo can’t do any primary day job that provides the bulk of your income you will be screwed. Come to think of it you could be still screwed if you actually paid a rate that covered all loss income losses from all your jobs, because insurance companies invent abusing the civil courts to avoid their responsibility. So consider working in your shop to create content for Hackaday very carefully. Also no one will be paying unemployment insurance on your behalf. Unemployment insurance is the purview of the States, you may or may no be able to pay into the fund. Actually you could be better off putting that amount into a savings account. Also consider if you you loose your primary income earning job, your status as a private contractor could prevent you from receiving benefits. Not sure how the ACA plays into all of this.. There’s a lot of estimating in all this, and underestimating is what trips the self-employed up. In your negotiations with Hackaday or any other employer that considers you a private contractor, be firm to get compensation that doesn’t end up costing you. No one hires people unless there’s a job to be done that will earn more income for the company hiring. Hackaday needs you more than you need them. In the event you are healthy and on the down and out, this job isn’t what you need.

    Just in case I haven’t pissed the Hackaday staff off completely, I’d like to make a suggestion or consideration. Try to hire writers able to specialize in multiple areas of interest For example automotive, amateur radio, hobbyist electronics, computers metal working, wood working, boating aircraft. on and on.

  8. To all those looking to apply, just be sure to stay on the safe side while writing. Even though Hackaday looks to be edgy, they are in fact not that way. Corporate lawyers have changed their ways. Plus, if they don’t like what you are doing, they will drop you without any notice. You have been warned!

  9. Never say ‘never’ . I just wrote a short CV with lots of online links and now I gotta do the ‘article’. Kinda late now…but I’ll do it tomorrow.
    Used to write for a daily newspaper on ICT so…I figure I’ll give this a serious shot.

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