In case you don’t know, our hacker brethren in Europe are pretty darn sophisticated with their hackerspaces — most of them even implement the Hackerspace API which tells the public when they are open, or closed. This allows them to tap in with hardware to create a fancy notifications for when the spaces are open!
Shackspace, the place to be in Stuttgart, had a nice big map of Europe destined for world domination in their lounge. They thought it could use an upgrade, so have been adding LEDs to represent each hackerspace. They glow green when open, and red when closed. And they built it all in one weekend flat.
If your space is not on the map, start using the Space API and let them know so they can update their project!
Sadly Shackspace in Stuttgart was not one of the hackerspaces we had the pleasure of touring during our European Hackerspace Tour!
[Thanks Momo!]
Reblogged this on The Cryptosphere and commented:
Forget Paris! This year it’s Stuttgart! So hot right now (thanks to things like this!).
Nice! A situation map showing the current status of the troops!
And they have an illustration of a breast drill at the top of the page! People after my own heart! (figuratively)
Weird how that site is a combination of english and german.
Thanks for sharing this HACKERSPACE MAP. What about france?