SuperCon Presenters Revealed

When we announced the Hackaday SuperConference earlier this week we weren’t able to mention any presenters; the call for proposals to this epic hardware conference was still open. Now that the proposals are in we have been poring over them and starting to send acceptance notifications. Just a few of the notable presenters who have already confirmed are listed below. This is more than enough to get the excitement started but we will of course announce more in the coming days.

Check out the amazing space we’ve booked at Dogpatch Studios. It is perfect for the non-stop, high-throughput schedule that has been assembled. There will be one speaking track for talks that spans the entire weekend, while multiple concurrent workshops are held on the other floor of the venue. The evening party will kick off with the announcement of the 2015 Hackaday Prize winner, and the winner of Best Product.

Head over and apply now to attend the two-day SuperCon in San Francisco on November 14th and 15th. This list of amazing people and topics is just a taste of over thirty talks and workshops going on at the hardware conference you’ve been waiting for.

Shanni R. Prutchi  | Construction of an Entangled Photon Source for Experimenting with Quantum Technologies

Sprite_TM | Implementing the Tamagotchi Singularity

Michael Ossmann | Simple RF Circuit Design Workshop

Fran Blanche | Fun and Relevance of Antiquated Technology

Paul Stoffregen | Advanced Microcontroller-Based Audio Workshop

Noah Feehan | Making in Public

Sarah Petkus | NoodleFeet: Building a Robot as Art

Minas Liarokapis | OpenBionics

Luke Iseman | Starting a Hardware Startup

Dozens more to come.

Download the SuperCon poster and hang it everywhere. Share the @hackaday #SuperCon.  Do it now.

16 thoughts on “SuperCon Presenters Revealed

    1. At the very least, we will have videos after the fact. Streaming can be….messy (imagine 200 people on the network at once and trying to stream out to Google or similar). We will update with the plans to share though, as these talks will be too good to not share! We know that only having 200 people there and being in a certain part of the world makes it difficult for some folks to make it.

  1. Dunno how well a video would work. My workshop is going to consist mostly of hands-on activity where I and at least 1 well prepared helper will be assisting everyone as they actually build the circuits and program the boards, following printed step-by-step instructions. We are going to do quick walkthrough presentations for each segment of the workshop, so those parts might be worth recording. Of course, I’ll publish the handout material and all the source code. The idea is to learn by actually doing, not merely watching!

    1. “The idea is to learn by actually doing…”

      I applaud your pedagogical style. Anyone can watch an instructable or YT video, but to actually make something.

      This is the type of springboard I was attempting to identify as being beneficial to newcomers; i.e. Bridging the divide.

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