Hack Corporate Overlords For Single Button Beer Delivery

[Brody Berson] is at it again, but this time he’s hacked the services floating in the aether around him to give him beer on demand. Finally the future we’ve been waiting for.

This hack is not as hacky as his first one, which, at the push of a button, could summon a bad driver straight to his house who would then give him pizza. The first one was done with a modified version of a button used to summon paper towels; because there’s nothing like needing paper towels RIGHT NOW, and then pushing a button to get them a few days later.

Apparently Amazon saw how practically no one was pushing the dish detergent button, but a lot of people were making scary mailboxes and magic pizza apps after ruthlessly scratching the branding off. So they shrugged and decided to sell the buttons as the newly branded (these get more hilarious when you don’t use the acronyms) Amazon, Amazon Web Services Internet of Things Button. Now your button can die along with the internet because Amazon is hosting your Raspberry Pi for a small fee, neat.

Anyway, [Brody] did some research on the best beer delivery services in his area, and went with one called Drizzly because they had a nice API. After integrating this system with Amazon’s, he can now push a button and minutes later, after subtracting some currencies from his account, a bad driver will show up and hand him beer.

9 thoughts on “Hack Corporate Overlords For Single Button Beer Delivery

  1. Sadly nobody has cracked the buttons firmware. Because you can do all of this without the raspberry pi using an ESP8266 all on it’s own. I really cant wait for someone to crack the amazon button wide open and rewrite the host software so you dont have to do basically a MITM attack on them.

  2. The web page for the “new” buttons states that the button will last for aprox. 1000 presses before the battery dies and there is no way to recharge or replace the battery. Time to hack in a recharge circuit….

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