Welcome to [Hackenings], our weekly calendar of what’s going on in the global hackerspace community this week. As ever, if you have any upcoming events that you’d like us to cover, email us at tips@hackaday.com and put [Hackenings] in the subject so that we don’t miss it.
TechInc Turns Five!
Technologia Incognita is a five-year-old hackerspace in Amsterdam, and they’re having a party on the 26th. How do you celebrate five years of social hacking, creative cooking, and general geekery? With more of the same, plus drinks. If you’ve never been to TechInc, you’ll find directions here.
The TechInc crew is not all play and no work, however. Their party coincides with the end of the second organizational planning meeting for SHA2017, a summer outdoor camping hacker camp/festival/conference that’s going to take place next summer, not coincidentally just outside of Amsterdam.
The European hacker scene is a little bit like international soccer / football — every four years there’s a World Cup, and in the off years there are equally important regional tournaments. The German Chaos Communication Camp and the Dutch series-of-camps-that-changes-name-every-time are like this, but for us. If you missed the CCC last summer, or ToorCamp this summer, then start making plans for SHA2017 next summer.
Don’t Forget Dublin
We mentioned this last week, but TOG Hackerspace in Dublin is having a 36 hour hackathon starting today (the 19th). This looks like a great time to get together with other nerds and make something crazy in a shortish amount of time. If you’re anywhere nearby, you should head on over. After all, it’s for science!
Elliot – have you considered dropping in some Linux kernel flame war fodder into the Hackenings stories to encourage the Hackadeers to contribute more comments in this space each week? ;-)
GPL restricts freedom. I have a 4000-word essay on this, ready to drop when the peanut gallery at Hackaday is especially unruly. Don’t give me a reason to publish it.
… Or if you missed EMF camp this summer, hello? :)
Looking forward to SHA. Have to get my passport renewed, mustn’t forget.
“not coincidentally”
Yes it is. The location of SHA2017 has nothing to do with the location TechInc or its vicinity to Amsterdam.