Get Your Eclipse Glasses Emblazoned With Hackaday

We’re getting ready to stare at the Sun for a few hours when a total solar eclipse is visible across the United States on August 21st. You could protect your eyes with some welding goggles, but why not wear a pair of Hackaday eclipse glasses instead?

UPDATE: And They’re Gone. We had a huge response to this with over 200 event pages made in just a few hours (and more coming since then; thank you, you’re awesome!). We had 500 glasses to give away and are sending them out in envelopes of 4. We would still love it if you made an event page but unfortunately we’ve run out of glasses to send out.

Let us know where you’ll be watching the eclipse and we’ll mail you some custom-printed Hackaday eclipse glasses (sorry, they’re all gone).  Head over to the Eclipse Meetups page, click the “Host a Meetup” button and tell us where you’ll be. We’ll add you to the map and contact you for the shipping address and the number of glasses you’ll need.

Whether you want others to join you or not is your choice, but we want to see a map full of pins where the Hackaday community is taking part in this momentous event.

As you can see, there are already a number of meetups watch the partial eclipse and that’s fine with us. No matter where you are, if you can see the eclipse we’re ready to send you some glasses. Hurry up though, they need to arrive before Monday!

60 thoughts on “Get Your Eclipse Glasses Emblazoned With Hackaday

  1. What company makes the glasses/film in the glasses – there have been a lot of counterfeits & fakes being made and a lot of people out there could already have fakes and not know it. There are no pain receptors in the retinas, and you can damage your eyes way before you know it. Amazon just sent out a huge notice to not use some of the ones they’ve sold due to this issue.

    ISO 12312-2 is what should be printed on them, or welding goggles over #14. Inspect before you try to use them – if there are any pin holes or scratches – toss the glasses. Just using them out of the package will make it too late

    See the American Astronomical Society for reputable vendors (eclipse[dot]aas[dot]org/resources/solar-filters).

    And if you’re using any magnification (binoculars, spotting scope, zoom lens) put the filter closest to the sun – magnified and concentrated sunlight will just melt through your protective solar film/glasses.

    1. I recently bought a pair of these from Amazon, one of the better made glasses on that site, not the disposable type.:

      Solar Eclipse Plastic Safety Glasses / Goggles | CE & ISO Certified | Safe Eclipse Viewing Shades, Block Sun Ultraviolet UV Lights | Watch Eclipses Safely

      A few days ago I got a message from Amazon: “Amazon has not received confirmation from the supplier of your order that they sourced the item from a recommended manufacturer. We recommend that you DO NOT use this product to view the sun or the eclipse.” They said I’ll be given a refund.

      Someone finally got a clue at Amazon that “business ethics” is a total oxymoron in the baby formula and pet food poisoning China. Luckily, I have other US made and certified safe means to view the eclipse that I’d forgotten I had.

        1. April 8, 2024 is sooner and will be from just south of the tip of the Baja Peninsula up through Durango, Mexico, Dallas, Indianapolis, Detroit, along the Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, Montreal, central Maine and Newfoundland

      1. The Amazon link to that specific and, if I recall correctly, formerly well rated and popular set I bought is dead. I therefore -suspect- but -cannot be certain- that any glasses still for sale on Amazon -might- therefore indicate that they have received seller certification for that particular type. -MIGHT.-

    2. One thing I’ve noted. #14 helmet is easier to find than goggles. I assume the lenses for both helmets and goggles are standardized instead of proprietary? Making changing easy.

      1. try your local camera shop. That’s the only place in my medium-sized city that has them. But we’re well out of the path of totality (until 2024), do there’s less hype here. We’re only going to see around 75-80% eclipsed.

    3. Sorry I’m late to reply to this (we’ve been busy shipping out glasses and adding pins to the map).

      We had the same concern about these glasses and asked the manufacturer (AnyPromo out of Ontario, California) about it. Then sent over proof of the ISO 12312-2 certification so these are safe to use when viewing Monday’s eclipse.

      1. Hi Mike, I don’t think AnyPromo is the actual manufacturer of the glasses, just a distributor. Did AnyPromo indicate the original manufacturer? Thanks for any additional information.

  2. My coworker just walked in with the pairs he bought us from Edmund Optics as I was reading this story. I naively thought I would be able to use them for sunglasses later (what was I thinking!?), but they are pitch black in normal conditions.

    Side story – my Grandpa was in Operation Ivy where they detonated a 10.4 megaton hydrogen bomb in the Pacific. He said they gave the officers glasses “so dark you couldn’t see the Pacific sun through them” so they could look at the blast. Grandpa wasn’t an officer so he had to sit on the deck with his knees in his eyes until they told him that he could stand up 30 seconds later. He said it was still way too bright to look at at that point.

    1. Yeah, wondering when I should expect a response, but reading this page and comments I realized that I can just pass around my welding helmet if need be (have an auto-darkening helmet that meets Z87.1-2015 safety standards for welding that can be adjusted to 14).

    1. Aluminized mylar is too variable in quality to give a general recommendation. Avoid making your own unless you can get the real thing from a recognized source.

      I got some from the owner of Thousand Oaks while on a flight to the Philippines eclipse in 1988. They are two layers of high quality aluminized mylar bonded together with the aluminum layers on the inside (avoids losing aluminum if they are scratched). Still have them here.

  3. I just created an open event at the museum downtown near where I work in Colorado. Hopefully we get some glasses in time as well. Is there anything specific we need to do so that you see the correct events to review?

    1. Apparently Mike Szycz has been adding them manually, it’s not automated. There were 300+ last night when I asked him, I’m assuming by now it’s probably doubled. So I’d say be patient and it should be added when they get to it.

  4. You solar eclipse newbs. Har, har. I’ve still got my welder’s goggles and solar safe lenses from the Transit of Venus a couple of years ago. And, they’re fresh and unused, because clouds. :-(

      1. Rectangular lenses are for squares. :-)

        I got “Hobart 770129 Oxy/Acet Goggle – Flip Front 50mm Eye Cup Shade 5” and then bought some shade 14 replacement lenses. The 50mm seems to be common.

        I forget how I found out the lenses could be swapped. Maybe an Amazon review (they don’t carry them any more).

        1. I bought those from Amazon a few months ago, and I recently received an email from them (see below) saying not to use these for eclipse viewing. In the same order, I had “Hobart 770095 Welding Oxy-Acetylene Goggle – Flip Front 2-Inch x 4 1/4-Inch”, and then shade 14 replacement glass for both the 50mm and rectangular styles:

          We’re writing to provide you with important safety information about the eclipse products you purchased on Amazon (order #[redacted] for Hobart 770129 Oxy/Acet, Goggle – Flip Front, 50mm Eye Cup Shade 5).

          To protect your eyes when viewing the sun or an eclipse, NASA and the American Astronomical Society (AAS) advise you to use solar eclipse glasses or other solar filters from recommended manufacturers. Viewing the sun or an eclipse using any other glasses or filters could result in loss of vision or permanent blindness.

          Amazon has not received confirmation from the supplier of your order that they sourced the item from a recommended manufacturer. We recommend that you DO NOT use this product to view the sun or the eclipse.

          Amazon is applying a balance for the purchase price to Your Account (please allow 7-10 days for this to appear on Your Account). There is no need for you to return the product. You can view your available balance and activity here:

          For more information about safely viewing a solar eclipse please see the NASA and AAS websites.

          If you purchased this item for someone else, please pass along this information to the recipient.

          We hope to see you again soon.

          When I contacted them to double-check, they replied:

          I’m [redacted] from Amazon Customer Service, this is a follow up about our chat conversation regarding order #[redacted].

          As discussed, you are not required to return the item, Hobart 770129 Oxy/Acet, Goggle – Flip Front, 50mm Eye Cup Shade 5. You may dispose the item as per your convenience. The refund of $7.41 has been issued to your Card and will be processed within 3-5 business days to your account.

          I also see that the rest of the items in your order are certified and safe to use.

          I hope this helps you! We look forward to seeing you soon.

    1. I would love one as well. 1″ x 1″ would be a perfect size.

      I would imagine it has something to do with shipping costs etc. Probably cost more to ship than to buy. Maybe they could do a sticker pack though. A couple of them at 1″x1″ a couple of 2″x2″ and one large one for the full back of a macbook or something. Maybe $10 – $12? I’d buy it

  5. Just got the email notice today, already out of stock.Just as well, they probably wouldn’t have arrived in time anyway. I also couldn’t get the map to mark my logation

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