Capacitor Decoupling Chaos, And Why You Should Abandon 100 NF

Everyone knows that the perfect capacitor to decouple the power rails around ICs is a 100 nF ceramic capacitor or equivalent, yet where does this ‘fact’ come from and is it even correct? These are the questions that [Graham] set out to answer once and for all. He starts with an in-depth exploration of the decoupling capacitor (and related) theory. [Graham] then dives into the way that power delivery is affected by the inherent resistance, capacitance, and inductance of traces. This is the problem that decoupling capacitors are supposed to solve.

Effectively, the decoupling capacitor provides a low-impedance path at high frequencies and a high-impedance path at low frequencies. Ideally, a larger value capacitor would be better, but since this is the real world and capacitors have ESL and ESR parameters, we get to look at impedance graphs. This is the part where we can see exactly what decoupling effect everyone’s favorite 100 nano-farad capacitors have, which as it turns out is pretty miserable.

Meanwhile, a 1 µF (ceramic) capacitor will have much better performance, as shown with impedance graphs for MLCC capacitors. As a rule of thumb, a single large decoupling capacitor is better, while two MLCC side-by-side can worsen noise. Naturally, one has to keep in mind that although ‘more capacity is better for decoupling’, there is still such a thing as ‘inrush current’ so don’t go too crazy with putting 1,000 µF decoupling capacitors everywhere.

64 thoughts on “Capacitor Decoupling Chaos, And Why You Should Abandon 100 NF

  1. It would have been interesting for the simulation to include board-level capacitors and typical traces there (50-100 mm). 100 nF locally isn’t that “miserable”, because at the board level there are often larger capacitors, and at lower frequencies those take over.

    But I agree that for many boards and package size vs. DC voltage combinations, 1 µF does provide better decoupling than 100 nF. The inrush current problem can be quite severe, especially with older regulators.

    Most annoying are chips where manufacturers recommend weird capacitor combinations like 1 nF + 100 nF + 10 µF without rationale. It’s hard to know if they really have a purpose, or if they are just slapping a bunch of caps on it in an effort to make sure it works.

    1. The implication there is that the largest capacitor is electrolytic and the smaller ones are ceramic.

      Ceramic capacitors exhibit mechanical resonance and their exact value is subject to voltage etc., so picking one large ceramic cap can sometimes result in weird and unpredictable behavior. Having two or three with different values makes sure one works when the other is misbehaving.

      1. Bryan Ackerly’s comment below illustrates why this can cause more problems than it solves;

        “…can produce quite significant “impedance holes” where the inductance of one capacitor resonates with capacitance of the other.”

        Sounds like fun times.

          1. This is true for older regulators, whose designs use the ESR of the output cap to stabilize the loop. Modern switching regulators are not designed this way, because the assumption is that you will use a surface -mount ceramic/tantalum output capacitor. This requires more direct current sense topologies, but means that you should have no problems regulating even at zero ESR.

            At least that’s true for all the ones I’ve helped design; maybe there are use cases where large electrolytic with no low-ESR decoupling is the norm.

    2. As an engineer designing radio products for a job I have had to do a lot of simulation with regard to supply bypassing. One of the things people seem to miss is that the popular technique of “broadbanding” by paralleling ceramic capacitors of different values can produce quite significant “impedance holes” where the inductance of one capacitor resonates with capacitance of the other. With the milliohm ESR of these capacitors, the resonances can be quite pronounced and can cause significant EMC issues or problems when they land on IF or RF frequencies the product uses. In some cases it can even cause stability problems. If you don’t believe this, put the capacitor models into a popular simulator like LTSpice. You will very quickly see the problem.

        1. At RF you not only depend on discrete components. You also make use of the capacitance between the power planes. As soon as you start using ferrite beads you open another can of worms.

        2. As a rule of thumb, you don’t need multiple ceramic caps of different sizes. If you need serious decoupling (like, it’s an RF amp or a clock synth or something), it’s not a case of just “stick stuff here,” you really want to design a power delivery filter properly.

          A lot of older datasheets which show stuff like “10 uF/0.1 uF” in parallel were assuming you’d use an electrolytic for the larger cap, with a bigger ESR (ohm-scale). In that case the small cap would provide a very strong improvement because of its much lower ESR, with the bulk decoupling cap getting you down to ohm-scale impedance faster.

          If you do end up with a resonance problem but still need the bulk cap for some reason (like, stability of a regulator) you just damp its pole by adding a small resistor in series, like half an ohm. Obviously you could just use a cap with a higher ESR, but there might be reasons not to.

          It’s a lot harder when you get to IF/RF (say, several hundred MHz) frequencies, though, if you’re dealing with multiple power planes, because at that point the physical board structure starts to matter, and you need more expensive tools than a simple equivalent circuit model.

    3. The result of the 3 caps is that each will decouple at 3 different frequencies plus the various sums on others. Though the Q is low they will provide decoupling over a broader range of freqs than just a single cap.

    4. There is a reason larger capictor have a level of inductance and do not block high frequency noise very well so we would use a smaller capictor in parallel to get both high and low frequency.

    5. NGL, if I learned anything from my experience, each cap was put in individually to solve a different problem.
      Once they got the whole chip working together, those caps became part of the “recommended use” schematic.
      I know the “math” doesn’t predict this (ref to Circuit Equations), but the current sinks (which pull the overall flow of electrons) are different in different parts of the circuit. That’s why in some cases one cap value is prescribed, but in another place (with a different function), there’s a different sink, so a different cap value is needed to provide a small charge reservoir.
      This potentially “averages” the current over the entire circuit, so that when one function (of a uP or RF circuit ) starts working hard and needs more electrons, (i.e., a sink), it can get those charges so that the overall circuit doesn’t suffer from an under -availability of electrons (not enough W= V * I).
      But anyhoo….🤪

  2. For some reason I remember that my 1996 copy of TI’s Linear & Interface Circuit Applications recommends a 1uF + 0.1uF capacitor on the output of a negative voltage regulator where the 0.1uF capacitor “improves the transient response.” I assume because the different size capacitors have different frequency responses, combining different sizes of capacitors gets you better filtering over a larger frequency range. The bigger capacitor is better at handling low frequency noise while the smaller capacitor is better at handling high frequency noise.

        1. And that’s what I don’t understand, this thinking pattern.
          If it’s a) a hobby project, then price doesn’t matter. Or it’s secondary, at least.
          I want my project to turn out being good, something I can be proud of, then it doesn’t matter if it costs $20 or 20€ more or not.
          But if it’s b) a small series or a mass production, then I would make sure the return rate and the maintenance will be minimal.
          A badly designed product suffering from cost-saving measures ends up in unnecessary stress and headaches.
          Extras such as glass fuses and diodes against wrong polarity do increase cost, but the loss in profits is minimal in comparison to having to deal with hundreds or thousands of bricked products and pissed customers.

  3. The 100nF was a practical and economical size of ceramic capacitor at the time digital IC’s took off.
    1uF or 10uF ceramics were yet to come into existence.
    In their day, they had a self resonance (SRF) that was comfortably above the logic they were decoupling.
    As IC’s got faster, the 100nF cap segued from a 1cm disc to an 0603 chip, fortuitously raising it’s SRF.
    The need to use multiple capacitors where you need multi decade frequency decoupling remains unchanged, as does good layout.
    I’m presently trying to bring a radio “up to spec” – which means 3 orders of magnitude, because the designer believes “one ceramic capacitor will do it ‘cos its surface mount”. Well no, about 10 are going to be needed, of 3 different value, plus inductors.

  4. The author argues that 100nF capacitors are irrelevant for decoupling, because one could use capacitors with higher value and similar low cost in the same footprint. The higher capacitance improves the low frequency impedance, and because of that it surely must be better.

    However I’d argue that most time a 100nF is suggested by the manufacturer, it’s because its a simple way to add some local capacitance regardless of proximity to other capacitors on the same power plane. The impedance often isn’t critical at all, and even a 10nF would be plenty for some low power chip without significant low frequency load steps.

    He also spends quite some time writing about the high frequency decouppeling required for modern chips. This is totally true, but then again the proposed higher capacitance values mostly improve low frequency response. If you want better high frequency response, choose a smaller package for smaller inductance. He provided some very good rule of thumb values for that:

    The downsides he identified are real: Higher inrush current, potentially unstable regulators. For ultra low standby power circuits there’s another downside in the form of leakage currents, which typically scale with capacitance and can become significant when compared to standby current of modern ultra low power MCUs. It’s also bad when the circuit frequently enters sleep modes and has to power cycle the entire rail.

    My conclusion is quite simple: Use the correct part for the job. If you expect high frequency dI/dt, use small packages, if you expect high current dI/dt use larger capacitance, if you want to optimize for lower power pick smaller values. For everything else, a 100nF is still fine.

    1. Yes, exactly; we are presented with the thesis “X is bad”, but we aren’t ever given the conditions under which X necessarily is bad. To my eye, the plot — held up as critical to the point — is perfectly acceptable for a broad range of applications, in the 1-1000MHz range. Lots of things don’t need much under an ohm; and beyond that, who cares?

      Moral of the story: engineering is the art of compromise, often not just in electrical parameters, but interdisciplinary parameters as well. There are certain knee-jerk reactions on this topic that are justifiable (I’m fond of poking at the chained-capacitor resonators myself), but this was not one of them; the author betrays a gap in their expertise.

      If you’re doing a particular low noise, or low jitter, or RF something or other, application, you may care more — but you may benefit exponentially more from a properly designed filter (which itself might indeed be as simple as adding a ferrite bead, or a couple more components to improve attenuation and impedance). A large number of embedded applications for example, don’t need much below an ohm; and a stouter MCU (a few 100s MHz say) needs more than a few capacitors anyway, not just one, distributed around its package.

      Which leads to another point: a one-dimensional measure is of only limited usefulness. We can of course apply it to each power port of a device, but we also need to keep aware that those ports are linked together internally, and it’s hard to tell what that coupling factor is — datasheets do not tell us. Nor does a chip ever (at least, that I have seen) specify its power distribution capacitance or other parameters. (A highly interleaved multi-metal-layer die could have 1µF by itself! Related trivia: did you know (µ)SD cards are allowed to be up to 8.2µF total on their supply? If considering hot-plugging in an application, what do you think that might do to the system? :) ) So, there’s sadly not too much we can model and design, in detail, limited by lack of information. We can infer things, make guesses (like pin/bondwire capacitance and die spreading resistance), but ultimately it comes down to test and iterate for a lot of things. Or, if you’re a premium customer, you might get assistance, dev tools, etc. from the manufacturer; but for the rest of us mortals scrounging from distributors and public datasheets, often it comes down to this.

  5. Caution with high value MLCC capacitors used for decoupling PSUs: look at the C-vs-V characteristic. Many will have the rated value at 0V, but only 20% (or even 10%) at their rated voltage.

    If the capacitor doesn’t have the C-vs-V graph, choose another manufacturer.

    C can also vary significantly with temperature.

    C0G capacitors are largely immune to those effects, but are only available in smaller values.

    Finally, to minimise inductance, use 0306 capacitors instead of 0603.

    1. EDN magazine had an article in the Apr 12, 2007 issue, starting on page 77, that I cut out and kept on this very thing.  Our company was rather late going to SMT, because we had our own machines for thru-hole assembly (so we didn’t have to get assembly done outside) and for our low production volumes, the setup charges for SMT assembly amortized out to a high-enough per-piece cost that there didn’t seem to be any benefit.  (Obviously that has changed.)  We were doing mostly audio, not fast digital stuff.  The context of this article is audio and avoiding distortion caused by chip capacitors’ values decreasing as you get closer to their WVDC rating.  The easy takeaway for me, for designing our circuits, was avoid anything with a 5 in it, like Z5U, Y5V, etc., and use X7R almost exclusively.  The 5’s began dropping capacitance almost as soon as you leave 0V; but the X7Rs’ curve was flat until you get to 20% of the WVDC rating.  Our stuff mostly operated at 12V (because of having to work with legacy stuff we had no control over); so with non-rail-to-rail op amps and amplifier ICs that could swing 10V with a 12V supply, 50V ceramic chip capacitors fit the bill just fine.  There are other dielectrics of course; but I mentioned the most common ones used in audio.  For digital, the matter of distortion becomes immaterial.

      FWIW, I did not read the article linked above.  It was in a light-blue-gray font against a white background, which it would have to be some kind of emergency to bother to try to read.  I don’t know why web developers think they need to “soften” the writing.  It dramatically reduces my reading speed and comprehension, both.  To all web developers, I say, “Cut it out!!”

  6. It all depends on the application. If you are designing something like a PC motherboard, then you will definitely not be using “rules of thumb” to design. I think this “investigation” stems from the fact that people like their bullet lists of best practices (or, one law to rule them all). It is important to remember that they are just that…recommendations, and not laws of nature. If you don’t know, or don’t understand the current-profile in your loads and supply lines, no capacitor is going to help you. It is called engineering for a reason…

    If you are just one of the guys/girls dabbling around in electronics (i.e. more focused on the goal, than the howto), then 100nF ceramic will work fine 99.9% of the time (time-proven recommendation over multiple decades). If, and when it doesn’t, then start burying your head into the design and try and figure out why, otherwise…100nF is good enough. In the real world, this is what most engineers do.

    1. “It all depends on the application. If you are designing something like a PC motherboard, then you will definitely not be using “rules of thumb” to design.”

      Funny, because most consumer grade mainboard ommit important capacitors for cost-saving measures.
      Merely about half of the caps are installed..

  7. I used to fight with a fellow design engineer at my previous job. He’d just copy reference designs from the datasheet (which wasn’t wrong) but he would also randomly sprinkle 10nF/22nF everywhere near the chips. It infuriated me so much, its like he enjoyed wasting money on barely any decoupling effect

    Fun exercise, try calculating how much stray capacitance is generated from the power traces against the ground plane (both, on the same layer and on other layers). It will take a bit of effort but do it. You will be surprised to find that its much higher than you expected

  8. I think the blog post trivializes the concept of decoupling to extreme concentration on the the local capacitor. If the difference between running and not is 1uF and 0.1uF decoupling: overall your design is marginal at best. The idea of sprinkling 0.1uF caps around is a great idea- and it was born from the era where there were not economical low ESR 1uF caps to be had. In general, it still works. To add, if you’re using leaded capacitors, the lead inductance is significant- Howard Johnson’s book uses 14nH in an example calculation as a starting point.

    Decoupling is not just the capacitors, it is the entire power supply (delivery) design. Each part has a frequency domain. In an overall sense, starting from the lowest frequency, you have the actual supply, then bulk capacitance, then decoupling, then planes.

    For a MCU, decoupling capacitors are mostly for the output ring, not the core. A big dI/dt is always going to come from the outputs driving something- so the takeaway is: know what you are driving, a big enough spike of current on an output can mess with the internals indirectly. (NB: many modern MCUs will have an output drive setting.) Don’t directly drive high reactance circuits with a chip that is not designed for that load.

  9. Industry guru Eric Bogatin addresses the 3-capacitor-values myth in the Altium video at, “You must Unlearn what You have Learned,” from 10/30/20, on Altium’s channel. He also addresses the myth of copper pours.

    FWIW, I did not read the article linked above.  It was in a light-blue-grey font against a white background, which it would have to be some kind of emergency to bother to try to read.  I don’t know why web developers think they need to “soften” the writing.  It dramatically reduces my reading speed and comprehension, both.  To all web developers, I say, “Cut it out!!”

    1. hi, I will read the article, definitely; to help you, in chrome if page print to pdf doesnt work because of bad css (here suboptimal), lets select the important text from end to beginning by mouse (touchpads are hell) and print that selected text and use also scaling to 150% or more, this works almost always well and text even reflows being scaled up as bigger… cheers

      1. I have at times copy-and-pasted to my text editor which dumps the color nonsense, but I didn’t think of it this time.  I just found out my email-client software allows pasting without the formatting, so I should try pasting into an email I won’t send, and see if it brings in the images.

  10. I’ve just about given up on expecting people to understand the difference between a decoupling capacitor and a bypass capacitor. A decoupling capacitor is used to allow an ac signal to be propagated between stages of amplification without the different dc levels causing an issue. A bypass capacitor allows variations in current in an individual stage to bypass having to go all the way back to the power supply, through that, and back via the ground, which would cause unnecessary and undesired variations in the supply voltage, which would also be fed into any other stage connected to the same supply. So the clue to the usage is in the name. A bypass capacitor bypasses the power supply; a decoupling capacitor decouples dc between stages of amplification.

  11. Just to add to the equation, monolithic SMD caps give you another way to get it wrong. We had a batch of devices a few years back that passed QC and got into the wild with an annoying characteristic that caused us to go out and replace every one of them. It seems that monolithic caps have no appreciable give, and when they are firmly soldered down they can harmonically resonate with the PCB at certain frequencies, which are not picked up by most adult males. It wasn’t until complaints from women and children started filtering through the all adult male field techs that it was finally acknowledged. I, myself couldn’t hear it unless I pressed my ear up against the chassis. Manufacturing moved to monolithic caps with folded metal standoffs, which gave it enough flex to attenuate the resonance.

      1. What company that’s involved in the installation, repair, and maintenance of communications, environmental controls, utilities, or healthcare, that services homes, schools, religious organizations, or medical facilities doesn’t? A black mark on them if they don’t.
        I’m not at liberty to discuss my employer, the device, or the device manufacturer, but suffice it to say that it’s in the energy and environmental controls sector.

        1. Thanks; it’s good there’s still some companies that take this as a serious responsibility. On the other hand, there’s lots of outfits targetting that same sector that just ship junk via big-box stores, which contractors buy and customers pay for, ’cause the customer only really cares about up-front cost.

          Now everybody get off my lawn while I shout at clouds and listen to my father-in-law reminisce about how upset folks got when when gas went from 15 to 17 cents/gallon.

    1. Oh, I’ve uncountered this gotcha as well! Got a cheap OLED display module, that was emitting annoying noise. Dabbling with inductor produced no results, but once I’ve removed some ceramic caps and replaced others with tantalum it became silent.

  12. interesting, ya, I read from some datasheet recently also that using modern mlcc smd ceramics in case where larger values (electrolyt) were required combined with small ceramic may be replaceable by single larger ceramic today… it was on tiny board to sqzeeze parts count to minimum; altium video is interesting too, but its fact anytimw I hear “lets unlearn and follow something TOTALLY new” I immediatelly feel some modern progresive totality ideology, aka scientology; so will try and watch this being adopted by majority :-) cheers

  13. One of the “sick-puppy, you’re evil” tricks I was taught in college was how to abuse common-pin cap SIP networks/arrays (such as the Bourns 4609M series) as single component decoupling networks for power and signal. Capacitors in Parallel add like resistors in series. Fun times.

  14. I don’t understand where the issue is.
    The classic combo used to be 100 nF and 1 µF (and/or 10 µF).

    Or an approximation of that, if they weren’t available.
    Some used 4,7 µF, 47 µF etc.. Depending what’s left in the parts bin.
    10 µF and 10 nF were also sometimes thrown in.

    I always thought 100 nF was mainly chosen because it was the biggest, still common ceramic capacitor.
    Which was nice, because it was uni-polar. Anything µF was usually electrolytic type.

    The compact 100 nF also could be soldered directly onto ICs by placing it on top of them or below them (solder side of PCB).

    Anyway, I thought an oscilloscope could be used to check if the power rails had been succesfully cleaned up by the installed capacitors.
    Why must things always become so academic, without serving real purpose?
    I prefer healthy common sense most of the time.

    1. The article goes into most of that.

      “I always thought 100 nF was mainly chosen because it was the biggest, still common ceramic capacitor. Which was nice, because it was uni-polar. Anything µF was usually electrolytic type. The compact 100 nF also could be soldered directly onto ICs by placing it on top of them or below them (solder side of PCB).”

      The 1uF parts are the same size/package with better performance for most use cases, that’s the central point of the article.

      “Anyway, I thought an oscilloscope could be used to check if the power rails had been succesfully cleaned up by the installed capacitors. Why must things always become so academic, without serving real purpose? I prefer healthy common sense most of the time.”

      Yes, but testing and common sense doesn’t necessarily tell you about performance over all expected regimes (e.g. you might have plenty of margin at room temperature, but what happens at 60C, or -10C?).

      This is where proper simulation and “academic” analysis comes in.

      1. Thank you for reply! 🙂
        I just meant to say that from a hobbyist side it was perhaps more practical to check the circuit with an oscilloscope, anyway.
        Merely at room temperature only, though, understandably.
        Doing the math for various temperature and humidity settings, too would be useful, I do amit. Vy73s

  15. As a designer for 20+ years. I was taught it was the frequency response that caused the noise as a 10,000uF with a few 1,000uF spaced around the board then 100nF next to each chip was the way to go as the larger caps would act as a notch filter it o e frequency but the 100nF would block that frequency.

  16. Whilst I appreciate the discussion, for the majority of us it’s a rather trivial matter.

    When designing a control module destined for a 100 V/m EMC environment, I decided to opt for 0402 100nF + 2,2uF decoupling capacitors for practically all devices.

    As a result, with other design features, the unit was near the noise floor, and tolerance up to 200 V/m.

    The cost to test the system minus all the 100nF would have been £3000. The cost for all the 100nF for 5 years of production (1500 units p.a x 50 caps x 5 years) £750.

    Whilst it might be unnecessary, validating the design without added bolt ons would cost more than doing the norm

  17. Wasn’t the max capacitance that usb expects somewhere around 10uF? So with 10 decoupling caps you’re there… sounds like sprinkling 100nF’s all around your board might actually be better, tho i admit i didn’t simulate anything…

  18. “Weird” combinations of high value capacitors with much lower ones (like 1uF with 10nF for example) are needed for decoupling purposes, not summing their capacitance. High value caps exhibit low impedance only up to a certain frequency, while low value one do it from certain frequencies, so by paralleling two or more of them one obtains a capacitor with the overall capacitance not that different from the higher value one, but much better at decoupling over a wider spectrum of frequencies.

    1. Don’t just spout the dogma, the entire point of the article is to argue that it’s hopelessly outdated given the performance of modern capacitors. The vast majority of the cases where you see ganged capacitors like that it’s actually worse than using a properly chosen single component.

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