I’m hiring a new ‘How-to’ editor for Engadget. We’re looking for someone who can contribute at least 2 how-tos a month. Original how-tos can cover hardware, software, and anything in between. We’ve covered software how-tos like streaming with VLC and setting up Synergy. We definitely want someone who isn’t afraid of a soldering iron and can do things like building WiFi antennas and embedding sensors in clothing.
To apply for the position you need to:
Post a ‘fresh’ how-to article in the style of Engadget with pictures/screenshots somewhere on the internet (like a free blog from Blogger).
Write a sample post for a ‘found’ hack (like the Hack-A-Day daily feature).
Send both links, a little info about yourself, and 5 additional how-to ideas through the tip form before 1PM EST Dec. 27th. Use the subject ‘Engadget writer’.
For inspiration: here are how-tos we’ve done in the past. For additional inspiration: this is a paid position.