How A Maker Proposes


[Sefi Attias] just sent us a heartwarming little video of how he proposed to his girlfriend [Tania] — using a little help from technology and other makers.

As a maker, [Sefi] was always building things which impressed [Tania], so he thought it was only fitting to make the proposal a one-of-a-kind maker experience.

He started by designing the engagement ring himself, to be 3D printed. It’s an amazingly complex little thing made up of the repeating words of the quote “I will betroth you to me forever”. It was almost too complex in order to print — but they managed to do it in wax, which allowed them to create a mold and then cast the final part in white gold. Once complete, they set a diamond in place to cap it all off.

The second step was the proposal, which was made possible using a quadrotor, a strip of RGB LEDs, and a long camera exposure. To show it off in real-time to [Tania] they setup a projector and screen on the side of the street, providing a surreal window into the park behind them. It was all made possible with the help from over 20 people from the XLN Makerspace and SkyLens (the quadrotor people).

Oh yeah, and she said yes.

The video isn’t in English, but if you turn closed captions on there are subtitles that actually make sense — unlike most of YouTube’s attempts!

30 thoughts on “How A Maker Proposes

    1. I wouldn’t say girls don’t like ‘geeks.’ What they are not attracted to is the stereotypical ‘nerd’ with the whole questionable hygiene, poor diet, poor social skills (social anxiety, condescending to everyone, whiny), pasty white skin, high pitched voice and less muscle mass than they have.

      A geek can build stuff and is passionate about things. I don’t know any women that don’t dig that.

      Then again, people often just blame the “they don’t like geeks.” No. Most likely you are just butt-ugly, have creepy social skills, and act like a woman. lol

      If you giggle about beer/alcohol and the word ‘boobs’, yeah, that there is your problem. Most of us stopped doing that after middle school. It’s not your hobby.

      (None of that was directed at you, aeouidhtns — I don’t know you. Just trying to be funny.)

    2. I think if there were less micro-aggression’s and casual misogynistic comments within geek/nerd circles, we would probably feel a lot safer and start engaging more in conversation.

      1. so, we need to protect and shield the poor women because they can’t take it like a man? women have made it very clear they want to be seen as equals. well that means dealing with the assholes just like we do

        1. The day men start seeing women as equals (meaning as how they see other men) is the day people stop having actual relationships. That concept is just silly and completely anti-natural. Men and women are not equal in many many ways. And that is a good thing for everyone, women included.

          However, I am fairly certain, by ‘equal’ they mean given the same rights, have the same career opportunities, be paid equivalent to what a man is paid for the same, job, etc… I do agree to that, with the consideration that, yes, women do generally cost an employer more money (not all of course.)

          If anyone (including women) think equal means more than that, they are just living in a fantasy.

          Women, stay women. Not because we want to stand on your necks, but because we need you. To be women. You are uniquely capable in ways nature intended you to be.

          I for one do not want to live in a society where everything is plutonic, asexual, and you can’t distinguish between the genders. Kinda kills romance, if you think about it.

      2. Face palm….

        This is exactly the sort of stuff I’m talking about. There’s a huge difference between things like not wanting to be talked over, or being called a “fake geek girl” and whatever straw argument you’re creating.

  1. I am a little bit geeky and I must admit that I lag the social skills. It’s hard for me to have a longer conversion with anybody, especially woman, cause all that really interest me is technical/electronic stuff and I don’t know anybody who knows anything about that.
    And although this is my only really geek-thing from your list I must say that I did not find your comment funny, because sometimes the truth hurts, and most of us wish we just a little bit popular, well at least not so lonesome in this world, witch really sounds stupid, how can somebody be lonesome in a crowded world with 7 billion people ?, well I did not choose to be the way I am.

    1. Not here to sort your entire life out, but just a tip… People love to talk about themselves. Ask someone about themselves or what they do, or what they like. Even if you aren’t massively interested in the subject, do it for the sake of being sociable. It’s not the subject, it’s the person themselves you’re getting to know. When you know them well enough, you’re friends, then it’s easy. It’s old advice but good.

    2. Meh, being popular usually means you are at the lowest common denominator. If you want to be more popular, do more stupid things.

      Quality over quantity, my friend.

      If your technical mind is really the only thing on the list (again, meant as a joke anyway), YOU are your only thing limiting you. “If you think you will fail, you already have.” Confidence goes a long way and there is only one way to get that… experience.

      Most people are anti-social simply because they had negative experiences interacting with others. It is trial and error and just like how you learned electronics, you keep experimenting and don’t get discouraged by failure.

      Nobody succeeds by accident (well, ok. Some lucky bastards do, but we ALL hate those guys.)

      1. That’s true. A few good friends are really all you need. Much better than being vaguely acquainted with hundreds of people. Often spending time with friends, even ones I really like, is still work. Still tires me, and I can only take so much before I need some high-quality time on my own. Then again I’ve a couple of friends who can stay here all day for weeks and we can happily sit ignoring each other unless there’s something to talk about. Life should be easy.

        1. “Then again I’ve a couple of friends who can stay here all day for weeks and we can happily sit ignoring each other unless there’s something to talk about. ”

          Those are the most awesome friends, in my opinion. I have a few like that myself. If someone requires me to constantly entertain them, I also find that tiring. I call people like that ‘acquaintances.’ They are the boring ones, not me.

          I faced it a long time ago that I do not have much in common with most people. No big deal, and it really hasn’t hindered me in any way.

          If you are a geek, own it. Don’t be ashamed of it. That goes a LONG way.

          1. Yup. Accepting oneself. In specific and in general. That’s what growing up actually means. There’s still lots of people out there who are still in high school, mentally. Indeed much of the modern media and society promote that view, as if it’s the only possible way one could ever think or be.

            Learning to disregard all that is important too. The media talk complete nonsense. Without an epic rant, pay attention next time a news feature, or other article, appears on TV or in print. If it’s something you happen to have expertise in, realise how little their view has in common with reality! The stuff I see, is -not technically incorrect-, but certainly nothing like correct, nothing like the view people in the know would understand. Certainly this applies to topics I know about.

            What can be so different about all the topics I DON’T know about? Any subject where I know better, the media have talked complete nonsense about. Half deliberate lies, and half lazily not bothering to learn, I think. They can’t just be wrong about subjects I happen to know. Logically they must be horribly misinformed and lying about pretty much EVERYTHING!

            So get your views on people, and life, from other real people. And accept yourself for who you are. You have your own good points, and you like what YOU like, not what you’re “supposed” to like. Judge yourself by the same standards you’d judge others by. If you met yourself as a stranger, would you think you’re such a bad guy? How would a friend describe you to someone?

            Yeah, own it, dude! Accept yourself. You’re you, and unless you’re some sort of abominable butthole, it’s probably worth knowing you and being your friend. The world can be alienating, but it’s much easier if you like yourself to start with.

    3. Brian,

      Actually, this isn’t just a geek problem. Even though people share the same general shapes and configurations, we must recognize that inside they are very different. Each person gets a brain at birth that is suitable for many things, but some are hondas and some are mopeds, and a few are ferraris. Mine is probably a unimog if we proceed with the analogy.

      Each brain, like a vehicle is “customized” over time based on environmental and social interactions. Parts get rusty or replaced, modifications and accidents occur – and some get repainted and some become better at what they do. Some parts just fall off or drag on the ground behind us, especially as we age.

      Your brain (and most of the brains on here, including even the bitter and lonely trolls) has been optimized to take pleasure in complex topics and deductive thought. The cute girl who gets bored and has a pained look on her face when you speak of PWM and/or medieval medicine – has a negative reaction to such topics, because her brain is not like yours!

      For her, such conversations are like pouring diesel into an engine designed to run on ethanol, attention and sunshine. This has biological implications that I won’t bore you with. If you wish to associate freely with such people, you must be able (and willing) to become “superficial” and leave your interests at home. There is a complexity to social interactions that far exceeds anything we could build from silicon and steel, and it is more difficult to master than mathematics if you were not made and raised in a certain way. As a result, many guys choose to settle for passing and recurring obsessions based on the smallest of interactions with someone physically attractive. It isn’t necessary, though.

      I would suggest “How to Make Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie as an excellent starting point for anyone having difficulty sorting out interaction with the easily bored. Greenaum is correct, of course – his paragraph represents the spirit of the thing.
      You might also try to skim a few pages on reading facial expressions and social evaluation – underneath, we are all still monkeys looking to be groomed.

    4. Brian celebrate who you are. You have been given a fine mind that is valued by many in the world but maybe not high school or some college circles. I suggest find someone that can help you socially that will help you through these adjustments. Like someone said hang in there there are people that will appreciate you fro what you are.

    1. So, Ladeez, Fellaz, if you want to get to know Brendan a little better, get out your IDE!

      Any hints on attracting people who aren’t software engineers?

      I once wrote some code for a girl who had to do it for a college assignment. I annotated every line. She didn’t even understand the code. Maybe C’s not the true language of romance.

    1. The lettering’s a little wobbly. Not that that takes away from the experience. So I’d guess it’s just a matter of a heavy enough weight at the bottom, and aiming for a roughly straight line.

  2. Damn!

    That wind inside my house is really making my eyes water.
    What a beautifully romantic thing to do, and she is absolutely gorgeous.. two very lucky people to have each other in an uncertain world..

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