welcome citizen engineers. hack a day (beta) is a web magazine devoted to cataloging all the best hacks, mods and diy (do it yourself) projects from around web. each day i’ll post one hack i like, seen or tried and once a week a special how-to. this is in beta, so enjoy the occasional oddity and sawdust while it gets cookin.
why a site? i thought it was time to have one spot on the web with all the things you can do with ipods, digital cameras, consoles, portables, locks, macs, pcs, anything that can be modd’ed or hacked. a lot of the desire to do this is so i don’t have to hunt around as much for ideas. the goal is for anyone who–has an old pda, a tivo, an atari, an ipod, xbox, or any device just sitting around, then hits hackaday.com, bang, sees all the things folks can do with it to void the already expired warranty or get more out of it.
i’ll post some resources like make, pop sci, books and other things to check out too since i get get asked about that a lot.
if you have feedback, ideas, a cool hack or mod, send it along to me via email for now or aim me.
pt and jason, great job once again.
any people hacking icuii? who good in hacking mail my who can hack for my the icuii.6.20r 6.0
i must have registerecode cant you give it too my!!!
any people hacking icuii? who good in hacking mail my who can hack for my the icuii.6.20r 6.0
i must have registerecode cant you give it too my!!!
Now I will be unable to actually get work done each day because I will be slogging through here. Thanks!
What a great idea. I think if this catches on, it’ll be really cool. I’ll promote it in any way possible.
Great job guys. I will be checking it out every day.
Excellent Idea guys.
I think this site has a lot of potential and I will most certainly try to visit is as often as I do slashdot dot org, where evedentaly I got the link to this site from :)
Good idea for a site. And just another deserved nail in /.’s coffin.
Help!! This website’s stealing a large part of my life!
I certainly be poppin in here a lot. Might even send my own hacks :-)
im a news/textfile addict, and this is another place i can get my fix
You’ve got a good concept going here and I’m sure that it will blossum into a good sized community of hackers once people catch onto it. One suggestion though. You might want to personaly try all of the projects that you publish. The one that comes tomind of course is the jet engine. I’m sure that you were planning on doing that anyhow but didn’t yet considering that this is a beta page but I’m sure that I am not the only one who wouldn’t mind having one of these to play with!
Good luck, keep up the good stuff!
i need information on how to take over my friends computer. i need to be able to move his mouse and stuff. (this would be funny for the next time he is on late at night.)
I <3 this site, keeps me entertained with odd ideas throughout the boring day.
I’m utterly addicted and I’ve gotten my entire Computer Science class hooked on Hack-a-day… what an awesome way to a get a quick surge of intelligence during the day.
Awesome! This has become one of my favorite sites.
how to hack an email please
i m is a hack for computer
Great site!! with good info, one of my favorites. keep up the good work.
this looks like a kick ass site to me
e-mail me telling me how to make major floods in chat rooms or other neat tricks with the keyboard
You ask people “How to hack”
Well if you want to learn how to hack keep reading, read on everything that has to do with hacking, learn programming then start asking people Q’s.
I would love to learn the kind of hacking you guys show on this sight. Like making protable NES’s, turning a usb cord into everything, and laser listening devices etc…
I plan on doing this the hard way by going to college. What engineering field would I want to go into to do this. I originally thought eletrical engineering, but I heard that was a lot of working with formulas and theories and not very hands on. I heard that the degree of electronics engineering technology was more of what I was looking for.
Anyway, I am just looking for insight from people that have already got degrees.