man, i am disappointed that i didn’t think of this when i had the n-gage, most likely because i didn’t like the device and tossed it, but now this mod kit ($15) allows you to leave the n-gage on and swap out games really quickly. nicely done guys.
man, i am disappointed that i didn’t think of this when i had the n-gage, most likely because i didn’t like the device and tossed it, but now this mod kit ($15) allows you to leave the n-gage on and swap out games really quickly. nicely done guys.
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This IS a neat hack but given the way MMC has dropped in price over time I feel my solution would be even neater: just have one big card with everything on. Once it’s in it’s in and stays in.
n gages suck
Hola ?
Quiero saver como puedo robar cajeros automaticos y aceder a las tarjeta de creditos. poner algo en algun cajero que me guarden los in de las tarjetas de creditos.
Soy de Argenina y todavia no esta explotado bien este tema.
where can I get the card kit at??
What do I need to buy in order to put this together?