Making New Fingerprints

Homemade Fingerprints

there are a few movies out there that have some nutty storyline that involves some guy using brand new fingerprints so he doesn’t get caught. i think one is Gone in 60 seconds but i might be wrong. anyways, we’ve all wanted to go get new fingerprints and proceed to go wild with our new identity. well it’s possible to do it and it’s not insanely hard. Plus, in the process you’ll learn how to dust for fingerprints like a real detective! but if you have a home depot or hardware store with all the supplies near you, a free afternoon, and patience, you’re one step on your way to a new identity. who’s got the coolest fingerprint is the question to ask obviously.

thanks [Joachim]

29 thoughts on “Making New Fingerprints

  1. So how exactly does this work?

    The article states: “Latent fingerprints are nothing but fat and sweat on touched items”

    Surely the ‘fake’ wouldn’t actually leave a ‘fingerprint’ on anything because it doesn’t exude either of these?

  2. Visually this comes off very well, but in the real world this simply doesn’t work.

    Show the new “fingerprint” leaving more than say two prints, or getting past a biometric device.

    I’d love to see you gingerly not touching anything until your “perfect moment”. LOL

    I’d also like to see how these chemically raped “fingerprints” come up when dusted, as you’ve already exposed them to too much for them to be viable.

    Need more information.

  3. I’ve read of a similar experiment in the Netherlands where they fooled biometric devices with glycerine fingerprints that had been lifted in a similar manner. So, it IS possible for biometric-spoofing, but I concede that it probably won’t leave significant prints. If you don’t want to leave your own fingerprints: wear gloves.

  4. > but in the real world this simply doesn’t work….
    > Show the new “fingerprint” leaving more than say two prints, or getting past a biometric device.

    It’s been done. In 2002 Japanese researchers were able to use easily available materials to copy fingerprints and make fake fingers which were quite successful at fooling biometric fingerprint devices:

    Also check out

    I dunno why CCC didn’t acknowledge the earlier Japanese work.

  5. rub the new fingerprint across your forehead, or on the sides of your nostrils for that sweat and fat you are so concerned with. even a nonchalant pass would look inconspicuous enough.
    just a thought.

  6. About in the middle of this site (, it says this:

    How long will fingerprints last?
    There is no scientific way to know how long a latent fingerprint will last. Fingerprints have been developed on surfaces that had not been touched in over forty years; yet not developed on a surface that was handled very recently. There are a multitude of factors that effect how long fingerprints last. Some include the type of surface touched; the individual who touched it, and environmental conditions can have serious bearing on how long a fingerprint will last on a surface.

    Not quite 60 seconds ;) though it’s a cool idea.

    1. imprinted in the clay he used to model a piece which was later cast in plaster and then wax and finally to bronze, my father’s fingerprints will be identifiable for a few thousand years.

  7. I thought the article would be along the lines of changing your /ACTUAL/ fingerprints! i.e. burning calluses for flat areas, razorblade cuts to create ridges, or using a pin array to ‘print’ a new fingerprint.

  8. hey retards,
    it sohuld fool biometric devices because the have a laser that uses your fingerprintsas a barcode, but when committing a crime, it would be best to use something like new skin (for cuts) so its not as bulky and skin tight and mabey put some kind of fat coating on your fingers, also he talks about an un usual substance for brushing the prints, just squeeze a baby powder bottle over the glass, its alot easier and you dont damage the prints.

  9. hey retards,
    it sohuld fool biometric devices because the have a laser that uses your fingerprintsas a barcode, but when committing a crime, it would be best to use something like new skin (for cuts) so its not as bulky and skin tight and mabey put some kind of fat coating on your fingers, also he talks about an un usual substance for brushing the prints, just squeeze a baby powder bottle over the glass, its alot easier and you dont damage the prints.

  10. Hey there,

    Just stumbled on this site and i have to say you are pretty on target with most of the fingerprint hacks. THere is also 2 new recent issues. For one, clarkson college also hacked fingerprints with playdoh. Also microsoft made these scanners that now are being used to hack finger prints. Here are the sites.

    but here is my question. i had heard that there was somthing like a turpentine or somthing that can alsobe used to hack scanners. that if you put on this material it would fill the pores resulting in a duploication of the previous image. I haven’t found it online. Has anyone else?

    i know you havent posted here in a while but maybe someone checks this out every now and again.

  11. I’m wondering about permanent tricks to change one’s fingerprint forever? If someone wanted to totally and permanently change there identity how would they go about it?

  12. Hi,
    I actually want you to advice me on the simplest way to change my fingerprint cox i want to do an experiment which i believe if it works out i will be the greatest man.

  13. If they ever figure out how lower reptiles
    manage limb regeneration, you could simply
    snip your fingertips off with a cigar cutter
    (darkman style) and wait for them to regrow.

    Fingerprints aren’t genetically encoded as
    identical twins have different fingerprints,
    so your new prints would be different.

  14. I have heard that there is a process that is done genetically to change prints. I believe there was an article in Discover or Scientif American (Fall Issue of 2004 or 5) that said they do something genetically in your wrist and NEW fingerprints grow out. There is supposed to be clinics in Latin America that do this for a fee. Anybody know more on this?

  15. Been looking for a solution to this for ages. The fingerprint biometric contains a history of something done illegally. I know there’s a way to remove this somehow and start over for a fresh start with a new clean record. Who do I go to, where, and how can I make this happen?? Is there a way I can safely fix this myself? Please help me in every which way. This is to make an ID, passport, and avoiding possibilities of being banned/illegal in the land.

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