Computer Controlled RC Helicopter

rc helicopter

RC helicopters have become so cheap that they’re now a really attractive robotics platform. This guide gives a jumping off point for starting your own project. It covers how to integrate a Gumstix embedded linux system into the helicopter. Code is provided so that you can hook up a usb controller to your laptop and control the helicopter over Bluetooth. All you need to do after that is build some cool controls, hook up a speaker and start streaming Ride of the Valkyries.

[thanks Neurolizer]

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Hackaday Links

We like to giving credit for the links we use, so if you send in a link you found on another site make sure you tell us where. Of course if you submit something you find here to somewhere else, give us some credit. So, keep the links coming in.

[william] was blogging the 8th Annual International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition last weekend. You can find his coverage over at has a write up on “Best Newcomer”, the Mongoose, since the winner ran XP.

Talkin’ Kutztown
Screw camera
More info on Metros then you ever needed [via The Morning News]
OSX X86  Resources [via Digg]
DownloadSquad Linux World link roundup
[frank] has put up footage from the WiFi Shootout

Finally, from IpaqModder:

There are things in Ireland called net phones, They are found all over the world especially this model. It in Ireland is an eircom net phone, I found out the other day (by seeing an eircom technicians fat ass) there is a reset switch underneath. I pressed it with a key and indeed the box reset. But the best bit is by holding the q and the v key at startup it goes to admin mode, there is a setting in there to add websites to the free to view list, and one one of these in a payphone in dublin is free to view

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