At my request, [stok] added some info on the board etching process to his GPS “thingy” page.
I met former editor Jason Striegel at DefCon this summer and was thoroughly convinced that he was not a robot. I guess I was wrong.
Well, my Facebook link really took off. If you’re looking for other readers at your school, just check out my friends from “Other Schools”, those are all Hack-A-Day readers. Trying to kill some time? Go hunting for the female reader.
[Jettz] has started posting some VB tutorials.
The GoogleTalk fan site is already up. [Sam]
[shandar] suggested ShouldExist for getting project ideas. The HalfBakery would probably work too.
How-to cram a MDD dual processor G4 into a G5 case. [thanks Anthony]
Get 8-bit sound from your parallel port. [camzmac]
Interesting interactive audio/video projects
Some readers have put together a Hack-A-Day Folding@Home team. Hmm