31 thoughts on “Hardware Keylogger

  1. @ abseeley:
    “Although the keyboard logger has 64kbytes of memory, this doesn’t mean 64 thousand keystrokes can be memorized. One key-press-release sequence requires 3 bytes for a standard key and 5 bytes for an extended key.”

    65536 / 3 = whatever.

    ditto on increasing capacity. How?

  2. @joelanders
    Ok i’ve been checking out other EEPROMs and If you go parralell instead of serial then you can get up to about 512kb I think at least. But I dont know how this would effect the circuit im going to look into it more and revise. I’m still kinda getting my feet wet with the hole electronics thing but im wading through it ok. Oh and its 21000 approx keystrokes.

  3. Don’t go parallel!

    Since the 24C512 memory they are using is I2C, there are two ways you can go. The quickest way might be just to replace the chip with a 24xx1025, which Microchip sells and is twice as large.

    The more extensible option is to add more 24xx512 chips. Because they are I2C devices, up to *EIGHT* can be connected using the same two data lines. Each eeprom needs to have a unique id, which is set by connecting each of A0, A1 and A2 on the eeprom to either it’s ground or Vcc pin (the Keelog logger has them floating, which is probably a bad idea.) Then the microcontroller can select which chip to use by sending the corresponding ID.

    Both of these require the microcontroller code to be altered, good thing they supplied source code :)

  4. The connector pinout shown in their schematic is wrong. I have all theparts and the chip is programmed and now I am getting ready to build one…was double checking pinouts on web to verify everything so I don’t screw anything up…
    I’ll double check by this weekend once I build and test but all indications are that Keelog’s schematic is wrong.
    I’ll let everyone know.

  5. The connector pinout shown in their schematic is wrong. I have all theparts and the chip is programmed and now I am getting ready to build one…was double checking pinouts on web to verify everything so I don’t screw anything up…
    I’ll double check by this weekend once I build and test but all indications are that Keelog’s schematic is wrong.
    I’ll let everyone know.

  6. Sorry for the double post…
    I figured it out. Keelog site reversed the pin numbers for male and female connectors in their DIY schematic.
    As labeled and shown in their schematic…if you just swap only the numbering (computer connector numbering to keyboard connector numbering and vice versa) then it correctly corresponds to PS/2 pinouts as:
    1 = data
    2 = N/C
    3 = Gnd
    4 = +5 (Vcc)
    5 = CLK
    6 = N/C

    Hope this helps!


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