Remember this? We hit it last year. [William] has been working hard, and made plenty of improvements. Aside from building it in black, he’s built a new model. He’s even hoping to release it as a kit in 2007. The latest version uses a PIC to fire the coils and manages the batteries, uses a pair of IR sensors to time the projectile, laser sighting and improved charging. It’s still only slightly more powerful than a CO2 BB gun, but one hell of an engineering challenge. Theoretically, these could be more powerful than traditional firearms, but power limitations keep them repressed like mid-evil peasants.
21 thoughts on “Gauss Pistol Redeux”
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Wow, wicked awesome.
this could be very fun… prehaps as a delivery method for drugged darts? silent… nice…
er- i think its down
heres a google cache of the site
be nice if it was open-source, and actually powerful.
supercaps will help.
My first thought when I read this title was ‘screw up a monitor from a distance?’ (thinking gauss being the opposite of degauss…)
I can’t view anything on the page. Whats wrong?
Oh noes, yahoo strikes again and makes the page go away. Any mirror?
Mid-evil or medieval?
even with the size and power disadvantages inherant to magnetic propulsion, I’m sure there are applications for a perfectly silent weapon
Now all we need is a room temperature superconductor.
here’s a mirror
It’s not on the site yet, but the price of the entire kit will be almost $400 bucks.
A little pricy for most, but hell–people are still buying the Optimus-103…
Unless you really _meant_ it to say “mid-evil”, it’s spelled “mediaeval”. One of those hard-to-spellcheck words, because it it doesn’t look like it sounds…
Very cool :) I wonder how it scales? The space constraints in the handgun form mean there can’t be that many capacitors, but with a rifle-sized enclosure and a small NiMH or lead-acid (maybe a motorbike battery) you could probably store 10x the energy.. but does that translate to 10x the projectile energy? Now we just need handgun-sized IR lasers…
Ditto daniel’s post, it’s mediaeval (or medieval, depending on whose dictionary you read)
#12 — Perhaps he meant “media eval”? Like peasants who evaluate media? ;)
ten thousand times cooler than airsoft. It kinda reminds me of the security sidearm in Babylon 5. You could even hear them “wind up” as they charged the capacitors.
I prefer mine :P
Check out this web-site
Daniel V Klein – You pointed out he mis-pelt “mid-evil”, but your correction “mediaeval” is just as incorrect :-).
It’s “medieval”.
Although technically the archiac spelling once used was “mediæval”
Any news on this project?
Any update on the project? Is it complete yet? Dan from