This project got some blog love last year, but it slipped past my radar. [jhecker] built a parallel port interfaced device based on a Cypress 2.4ghz transceiver module. The module is pretty complete, so as long as you can wield a soldering iron, you can pull this one off. The module is pretty cheap, so it could be just the thing for building your own signal detector.
[Ed Note, Stardate 2018: There seems to be some linkrot. Try this link instead.]
‘Analyser’ is the correct spelling.
cool write up. I’m tempted to build one, but I bought a wi-spy for work just a few weeks ago, which makes me less ambitious.
the wi-spy i think actually uses the cypress wireless usb chip as well.
I work with spectrum analyzers and I have never seen it spelled with an ‘s’. Neat idea, kudos to the author.
Looks like “analyse” is Australian.
nice++ writup btw. Understandable, concise, not splattered over 20 blog entries, where you have to read backwards to know what’s going on. There’s something to be said about good old html and people who can use it.
Stop with the “its not spelt correctly”. ‘Analyser’ is the British English way of spelling it, ‘analyzer’ is the American English way. Therefore it is correct. Same as ‘colour’ and ‘color’, or ‘memorise’ and ‘memorize’. See the link for the uneducated.
Pretty neat idea though!
who cares how things are spelt, this looks to be a good analyser for you to ‘enhance’ your tech-knowledge etc…… my message to the creator and the other techno geniuses on this site, keep enthralling me with your knowledge and i will be your ever dedicated follower of ‘the science’ top marks ***** stars….
dead link?
Thanks! Fixed.